Flight distance : 37444 ft
United Kingdom
I have upgraded the firmware on my P4 and RC using the Go App.
It flies but is a bit wobbly in the air and its video trannsmition is poor.
I have read that some people have had luck refreshing the firmware and maybe try with no SD card inserted.
I connect P4 to my mac via the latest version of DJI Assistant and it shows I have the latest Firmware but offers a refresh/upgrade button.
When I choose to refresh/upgrade it "downloads" to 100% sits for about 10 seconds then says update error.
I get the option to send the error log to DJI but not see it myself.
Is this normal because I have the latest FW installed already? or will this turn out to be a big hassle for future updates?
I have apllied to DJI Thor to be in on the .300 beta but no reply yet.
I read everywhere about people refreshing and downgrading etc but also realise there are some NON Dji softwares outhere.
Non for mac and P4 standard though.
Any help would be warmly welcomed 