Flight distance : 99117 ft
United States
Actually there's a couple issues here. So I was practicing long exposure night shots last night. The winds were very calm in fact you couldn't detect a breeze at all on the ground (I know this changes the higher up). I took a all photos at 100 ISO, f5.6 and varied the shutter times from 4 sec-8 sec.. At one point I rotated the UAV clockwise to look down another street and after I let go of the yaw stick, the camera was still moving very slowly for a fair amount of time. I had to give it a little oposite yaw to stop it. I doubt the UAV was still rotating so I think it was likely the gimbal pan settings. What are the best gimbal settings to stop this? I would like the pan to mostly be controlled by the UAV's movement.
2nd problem: Some photos would be fairly clear while others at the same shutter speed would be a little blurry. Is this just due to a breeze up higher?
Thanks for all your suggestions.