sample RAW still pictures of X5S anyone?
3808 7 2017-9-24
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Flight distance : 1303780 ft

I am trying to find out how good this camera is for still pictures but it is frustrating how little one can find on the internet.
Unfortunately it's not tested by the likes of Imaging Resource and available in their compareometer.
I would be very very grateful for a few samples showing the quality at low isos.
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Flight distance : 1943159 ft

Have you ask DJI, I am sure, for a potential customer, they would love to show all the glory of its technology.
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DJI Mindy

Here are samples in our website: sample.png
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Flight distance : 1303780 ft

Thank you but I am interested in still pictures, these files seem to be part of a video sequence shot with the drone/camera moving at high speed and are completely blurry.
This is absolutely useless to get an idea of what the camera is worth as far as still photography is concerned.
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DJI Mindy

ukaleq Posted at 2017-9-25 06:59
Thank you but I am interested in still pictures, these files seem to be part of a video sequence shot with the drone/camera moving at high speed and are completely blurry.
This is absolutely useless to get an idea of what the camera is worth as far as still photography is concerned.

The quality is the same, you can refer to them.
If you would like to know if the drone will meet your need, you can find local Store to experience it personally.
Here is the link to find local dealer:
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Flight distance : 1303780 ft

Sorry DJI Mindy but no, blurry pictures dont help when assessing the resolution - among other things - of a camera.
As it happens there is a local DJI store in my city - one of the very few in Europe. You can try a Spark in a cage but for all other things it is essentially useless -no possibility to test anything, no return possible, etc.
I wonder why DJI pays forum moderators if it is not even able/willing to provide sample pictures. There is really a huge chasm between the technology and the dismal level of support.
Fortunately there are other forums more useful than this one.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

I shoot mostly stills with the X5S and I'll give you my take on it.
Since I have an Olympus Pen-F as well with about the same MP size of the X5S, I can tell you the images off the Pen-F will be sharper than my X5S overall.  I can sharpen them in post, but they become pixelated over the Pen-F.  I suspect the Pen-F along with its internal 5-axis stabilization of the sensor, is part of the equation as there is none in the X5S and mine has vibration on the gimbal side so I'd expect it to be less quality overall.  I've even used an old 500mm T-mount lens with an adapter to the Micro four-thirds Pen-F handheld and gotten adequate results due to its stabilization.  Even though that lens is unchipped, Olympus allows you to set the focal length in their menu for manual lenses so the EXIF data works as well as the stabilization for that focal length.  X5S doesn't have that ability to work well with manual or unsupported lenses.

There are things that bother me with the X5S.  My sensor had some tilt to it that needed to be fixed where one side was less sharp than the other, and this was also in my P4 that needed to go back as well.  There is a magenta tint to the image when shot in Manual White Balance mode as well where most all other cameras of decent quality have the ability to adjust the magenta/green WB tint, so I have to use a green filter for correction if using it and a color temperature meter using manual white balance mode.  I also shoot with studio flash and no provisions for that either so I fabbed up something that works found elsewhere on here.  Then there was an issue of a few lens connection pins rattling around loose in mine leftover from assembly that eventually fell out of it.  So far no ability to use an Osmo on it either and that may never see daylight since the processing is in the drone body and it might need an additional license for a handle if it does appear.

I'll also add that some lens makers like Pansonic and Olympus will do a version update to their lenses as well.  My Olympus 45mm was version 1.0 and they are two versions beyond that now. With a Panasonic or Olympus camera body, you can update the firmware in the lens yourself, but not so with the DJI camera.  You have to send it in to Olympus and pay $140 to update the firmware which is free with the other cameras if you own one.  At some point, it pays to by a MFT camera to keep check on what is happening with the DJI one.

Overall, I'd rate the camera a 2 out of 5 stars.  It has some growing to do to make it a real pro's camera, imho.  Quality control really does need to be addressed too as no parts should be falling out of it, and the sensor tilt and magenta tint needs to be addressed as well as they've been around far too long and in other models.  Some firmware matters like the camera horizon tilt or going limp in flight need to be fixed as well.  If I had gotten a better one without the sundry defects I might rate it higher, but mine is a victim of really poor quality control matters where it's as if no one really checked it out.  Bad part is many may not even notice the issues if they haven't used a quality camera prior or know what to look for, that or factory tolerance levels are pretty low (and one Nikon tech told me any tech could find something wrong with any camera, just how far they go to tighten the tolerance is in their hands and time spent to make it right.).

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Flight distance : 1303780 ft

Thanks for your detailed comments.
Yes quality control seems to be a very big issue for this brand in general, not just for the x5s.  And my impression is that the equipment they label as "pro" is hardly better in this respect than the consumer products like the phantom.
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