Ex Machina
 First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States
Irate Retro Posted at 2017-9-26 09:01
Definitely white has its advantages for heat management, and not just for the desert. Here in the cold midwest many tanks are painted white for heat reasons (not water though). Since water doesn't really expand and isn't under pressure, I'm not sure why a water tank would be painted white. Sure, residents wouldn't want hot water flowing out of their cold taps, but I can only assume that the water would be cool after spending all that time in transit underground?
I wouldn't really expect "tons of them" all over the place if they were water tanks, but I have no clue about the area. In my short attempt to locate some information though, I did find out that the area used to be covered with oil wells.
I was thinking tons being around due to desert location and thus an increased need? You wouldn't expect fuel or chemical tanks outside of industrial parks.
I have some POI flight video of a water tower discharging a stream of water, presumably due to overpressure from summer heat. Guess it could've been a pumping problem, or maybe prep for inspection/service. Whatever it was, it looked pretty cool. ;) |