United States
I did some experimenting out in the field. Using custom frequency selection in the video transmission page and HDMI module installed first.
1. Observed noise levels in the video transmission page and manually selected the best signal...closest to -100 and green in color
2. Connected HDMI cable and watched all noise levels increase into the red color. The frequency I picked had clear video
3. Flew out to about 300ft and selected auto in video transmission page and video was unusable. Put it back to custom
3. Flew out at a distance of 2000 ft with goggles on and lost video signal at that distance. 3.5 EDIT: Forgot to mention at the point of lost video, I unplugged the HDMI to check if signal would increase. It did, but it it was only 2 bars on the signal strength icon and video was fading in and out.
4. Installed original USB module and put video in auto (as I know this is default and works
5. Flew way past the 2000ft (3500ft and turned back) mark with clear video on the ipad.
Seems that the cable and or the goggles (fartshack) connected induces noise that substantially reduces video range...at least on my set up. DJI wants me to send the whole kit back. I could easily just send the HDMI module back for refund/replacement. But I'm not the only one with this video range issue. So replacement seems futile. The HDMI works ok close in...I'm wondering if this is intentional. But even the module by itself with no HDMI cable connected, for some reason reduces range compared to the original. It's not as bad with than with the cable connected. But the video range is noticeably less until I put the original USB module back in. Resetting camera, selecting custom range, swapping modules for greater distance, getting a different RC? and whatever other work around there are just not practical and a sign of a flawed design.
Are people with the DJI goggles complaining of reduced range I wonder.