Software App Suggestions for Mapping
3970 15 2017-9-28
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Capt Whitefoot
United States

Could anybody recommend which mapping app is most recommended for mapping?  We have two properties in the Philippines, one a flat, empty piece of property amidst a bunch of farms, and another is beach property that goes up to the top of a 200ft hill covered in various tropical plants and trees.  While we are there, I wanted to create some HD maps of the properties along with other videos and photos of the features.  As for the landscape map, I know there are several apps out there.  Could anyone recommend or share their experience that they've had wth any landscapping apps?

Thank you.  Here are the only photos I have right now of the properties I will be mapping in January.

Project "Serendipity"

Project "Serendipity"
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Capt Whitefoot
United States

Oh, and here is the photo of the beach property, "Talaudyong"

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Capt Whitefoot
United States

I guess nobody uses any of the apps for mapping.  

Thanks anyways, everybody.  
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Capt Whitefoot Posted at 2017-9-29 20:14
I guess nobody uses any of the apps for mapping.  

Thanks anyways, everybody.

Lots of folks use mapping apps.
DroneDeploy is excellent.
Whatever you decide, get plenty of practice at home before trying at a remote location.
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Capt Whitefoot
United States

Labroides Posted at 2017-9-30 00:18
Lots of folks use mapping apps.
DroneDeploy is excellent.
Whatever you decide, get plenty of practice at home before trying at a remote location.

thank you.  that is one of the main apps I was looking in to.  Looks expensive though.
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sky wombat
First Officer
Flight distance : 1958816 ft
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Cant: all revolves around how accurate you want be.
In Airdata (formerly healthy drones) you can export a kml file and open that in Google Earth. Best part is almost no expense.
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Capt Whitefoot
United States

sky wombat Posted at 2017-9-30 02:02
Cant: all revolves around how accurate you want be.
In Airdata (formerly healthy drones) you can export a kml file and open that in Google Earth. Best part is almost no expense.

thank you.  That was one of the things I was wondering about.  With all of our drones flying around, it would be nice to be able to get the info on to Google Maps, especially areas that off the beaten path and not highly mapped.
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sky wombat
First Officer
Flight distance : 1958816 ft
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Well Capt apparently it can be done into Google Maps. Do a search on 'import route into Google Maps'. I don't use GM a lot as I tend to default to Google Earth, Garmin Base Camp, or a couple of different GPS Apps (MotionX, GPS Kit etc).
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Flight distance : 6880 ft
United States

sky wombat Posted at 2017-9-30 06:24
Well Capt apparently it can be done into Google Maps. Do a search on 'import route into Google Maps'. I don't use GM a lot as I tend to default to Google Earth, Garmin Base Camp, or a couple of different GPS Apps (MotionX, GPS Kit etc).

I would highly recommend "Map Pilot" for mission planning, drone control and data collection. We have also seen success with DJI's GS Pro application .. Once you obtain the NADIR mapping imagery, you can process with any number of online services or give our free software a try.

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Flight distance : 226450 ft

I concur with DroneMapper,  Map Pilot is what I use exclusively for photo collection.  I just finished a mining project of 14000 photos shot over 5 days in very steep terrain.  Map Pilot allows the UAV to follow the contours of the terrain to keep an average GSD across the project rather than flying at a consistent flat altitude.  I use Agisoft Photoscan for processing my imagery into orthomosaics and DTM's but you can use online services to process for you like Drone Deploy and MapsMadeEasy.
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sky wombat
First Officer
Flight distance : 1958816 ft
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Now things are getting interesting.  I was after a programme that showed GPS positioning on the screen. Mind you by the time we got all the things we wanted on the screen there'd be no room to see what the camera was seeing.
Am now off to look up Map Pilot.
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Im using . price is some lower then dronedeploy.
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Hooks Posted at 2017-10-9 10:26
I concur with DroneMapper,  Map Pilot is what I use exclusively for photo collection.  I just finished a mining project of 14000 photos shot over 5 days in very steep terrain.  Map Pilot allows the UAV to follow the contours of the terrain to keep an average GSD across the project rather than flying at a consistent flat altitude.  I use Agisoft Photoscan for processing my imagery into orthomosaics and DTM's but you can use online services to process for you like Drone Deploy and MapsMadeEasy.

Wondering if I can ask a question of you:  

I had some success with Ground Station Pro while doing some post-disaster mapping in the Carribbean, but found the iPad was overheating a lot in the warm climate. Looking at Map Pilot for the iPhone as an option. I have tried Drone Deploy as well, but found that the inability to run DJI GO 4 and Drone Deploy at the same time was a real hassle.  Does Map Pilot play well with DJI GO4? Is it possible to switch between the two without having to shut down programs and reconnect plugs etc?

Thanks in advance
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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BSimms Posted at 2018-1-15 17:56
Wondering if I can ask a question of you:  

I had some success with Ground Station Pro while doing some post-disaster mapping in the Carribbean, but found the iPad was overheating a lot in the warm climate. Looking at Map Pilot for the iPhone as an option. I have tried Drone Deploy as well, but found that the inability to run DJI GO 4 and Drone Deploy at the same time was a real hassle.  Does Map Pilot play well with DJI GO4? Is it possible to switch between the two without having to shut down programs and reconnect plugs etc?

I have tried Drone Deploy as well, but found that the inability to run DJI GO 4 and Drone Deploy at the same time was a real hassle.  Does Map Pilot play well with DJI GO4? Is it possible to switch between the two without having to shut down programs and reconnect plugs etc?
It won't matter what program you use.
DJI Go doesn't like to share.
Run DJI Go or one of the mapping programs .. but never both at the same time.
And you can avoid the Apple overheating issues with a good Android tablet.
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Labroides Posted at 2018-1-15 20:33
I have tried Drone Deploy as well, but found that the inability to run DJI GO 4 and Drone Deploy at the same time was a real hassle.  Does Map Pilot play well with DJI GO4? Is it possible to switch between the two without having to shut down programs and reconnect plugs etc?
It won't matter what program you use.
DJI Go doesn't like to share.

Thanks for the input. We ended up with the iPad for compatibility with Ground Station pro, as at that time it was the only software I could find that supported the M200.  We have more options now for sure.
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Jeff Millard
Second Officer
Flight distance : 503635 ft
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United States

Capt Whitefoot Posted at 2017-9-28 22:04
Oh, and here is the photo of the beach property, "Talaudyong"

On Palawan? OMG I am jealous of you! Sorry to dig up an old thread, but it's beautiful at your beach property! Are you building a home there?

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