I don't know about you but...
644 5 2017-9-29
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 740548 ft
United States

I don't know about you but... I am rapidly loosing interest in flying my drone because the list of places that I cannot legally fly is very, very long. And the list of places that I can legally fly is very, very short. My primary mission as a drone pilot is to capture video footage. Generally, I won't fly unless it provides a photo opportunity To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to get a flight waiver for state and national parks. And still, the process for getting an FAA waiver will give you brain damage.

I'm getting bored quickly.

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Second Officer

United States

Sorry to read on your frustration. Did you apply for any type of No Fly Zones allowances? Here is a link for more information on that point: http://www.dji.com/fly-safe/category-mc?w&www=v1
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Go out into the country side, where the buffalo roam...
See the deer and the antelope play. ;-)

A wilderness setting, brings so much more, than the concrete jungle...

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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the list of places that I cannot legally fly is very, very long. And the list of places that I can legally fly is very, very short

You live in the 3rd largest country on the planet.
It has an area of 3,717,727 square miles.
The "list" of places you can't fly is everywhere minus the list of places you can't fly.
If you think that is a very short "list" you're not looking very well.
Open up Google Earth and explore.  There have to be a few places you haven't considered.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

I have to agree with the two posters above.  I don't see that it's that bad.  

The fly safe page, for the most part, is just big green circles which give you a warning on your Go app.  There's no restriction.  


Sure, the "enhanced" warning zones may be a little inconvenient, but you don't even need internet to get the okay.  

The yellow zones are problematic, but for good reason.  And we shouldn't be flying in the red zones.  

Then, of course, you have the actual places where you shouldn't fly within your country as stated by laws and rules.  These should show up on apps such as airmap.io.  Those areas really don't cover a lot of acreage relative to where we can fly.  

I just don't see how this is a huge problem.  

Maybe you could give us some examples in your area.  

Edit:  It appears the OP is in southern FL.  

I don't know man.  Southern Florida doesn't look that bad to me.  Take a look at the DC SFRA where I live and maybe you'll cheer up a bit.  Somehow I've managed to fly over 1200 miles one way distance and I still can't wait for tomorrow.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

DJI-Mark Posted at 2017-9-29 13:39
Sorry to read on your frustration. Did you apply for any type of No Fly Zones allowances? Here is a link for more information on that point: http://www.dji.com/fly-safe/category-mc?w&www=v1

I'm sorry but I find this very humorous...What IFlyMyDrone was trying to say has a lot more to do with the US/FAA/NPS/Everyone else restricting our ability to use our drones as designed here in the states.  
The thing I find funny is that somehow a foreign corporation who has only added to the restrictions on top of everything else we have going here, is somehow going to fix the problem, that borders on hilarious.  
Ya see even if DJI turned off their redundant Geofencing today, it wouldn't change a bloody thing here in the US.  Why, because the very restrictions that are duplicated from DJI would still exist and remain just as restrictive.  The funnier part is that even if the FAA will grant a waiver or clearance for us to fly our drone here we would still have to go to DJI to get it turned off yet again.
I find this sad and absurd, but then again maybe I just have a sick sense of humor!
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