Flight distance : 419669 ft
United Kingdom
So, as I've already mentioned on other threads, after re-doing the latest official firmware upgrade with no SD card, things have been going pretty well. I took my drone on holiday to Italy and everything went well for a couple of days. I was flying over a castle and my camera flipped out. I mean REALLY flipped out.
I've seen it a few times where you get the maximum tilt error and it wigs out, but it always returns to normal. This did not return to normal. It was dancing all over the place. It took me a full minute to confirm that I was not hurtling towards the ancient landmark. I initated a RTH because I could not get my bearings in FPV and landed with the camera still bouncing around.
I was in 1080p, so not the 4K issue others have had.
I uploaded the flight data to airdata and there was nothing - no warnings, no errors.
Anyone else had anything like this with latest FW? I didn't calibrate the camera after the upgrade. Perhaps that caused it?