First drone crash - what could have caused it? (with video)
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9862 46 2017-10-2
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I've been flying witn my Mavic for the last few days and making some nice shots, but when I made the last flight it went wrong and the drone crashed.
It had been flying without problems, except for loosing video signal two times.

The drone takes off and then I loose control of it. It starts flying to the right, then dropping hight, speeding up and flies in a circle-ish path until it crashes into some tents and breaks two of the propeller sets. The camere seems find and so does the gimball.
In the video you can see the crash (camera angle 45 degrees). The drops the drone makes after 11 and 12 seceonds, might have been me panicking and trying to get it down, and I can't remember if I tried to steer it away from the fountain, but I did think "Do not land in the fountain!".

Now what could have caused this?
Simple user mistake? Forgetting to do something before taking off?
Software error?
Are the loss of video signal related to this?

I thought had updated the firmware, but apperently due to unstable internet connection it failed. Since the internet connection at the flight site was really bad I waited uprading the firmware.
So when I'm with better internet connection I'll update the firmware and start the drone to let it do the self check at start up. Is there anything else I should do after a crash? Calibrate the compass and/or the IMU?


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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Without having looked at a log from the flight I could only speculate, but your description sounds similar to what can happen when there's magnetic interference at the launch location. In any case, the best way to find out what happened is to upload the DAT file from the flight and provide a link to it here. The DAT file is stored on the Mavic itself and can be retrieved using these instructions. The correct file will have a timestamp that corresponds to when the flight occurred and will be at least tens of megabytes in size.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1148937 ft
United States

that happen to me once after update . im not sure if it had to do with me not un checking the calibrate for china main land in app but i didn't and when i took off , it went all squirely . hope you get to figure it out !
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Really sorry for the crash, is the drone hurt by the crash and had you reported this to our support to start a data analysis? If you haven't, please send an email to and start the data analysis, we will help to find out the reason of this crash. And if there is a damage on the drone, please send it back for repair. Please fill in some info on our online repair link of our official web and then send it back. Here is the link:
We will do our best to help this out. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

As DroneFlying indicated, upload DAT file b/c anything else will be pure speculation or driving with blind folders. Wow saw the short clip, thank goodness the copter didn't hit anyone in the crowd.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 48504 ft
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Did you use lock gps or not? seen like lost control.
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I've sent the DAT file to the support mail.

I don't know if anything is broken besides the propellers yet, I'll take for a flight later.

Only thing I can see is that the compass need to be calibrated.

Thanks for your help so far :-)
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bernardren07 Posted at 2017-10-3 06:51
Did you use lock gps or not? seen like lost control.

I must say I don't know. But I did not change any settings. Not on purpose at least.

And to the post saying something about magnetic fields, it might be right. It did stand on a metal plate when taking off.

I'm also glad nobody was hit. One had to jump though not to get hit.

But now that it did crash I wish I hadn't set the camera to a 45 degrees angle. It would have made a cool crash video :-)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-3 11:23
I must say I don't know. But I did not change any settings. Not on purpose at least.

And to the post saying something about magnetic fields, it might be right. It did stand on a metal plate when taking off.

And to the post saying something about magnetic fields, it might be right. It did stand on a metal plate when taking off.

That would be mine, and yes, if the plate was made of a magnetic metal such as iron or steel it could have affected the compass and triggered what I refer to as "BATTI mode" that often results in behavior like what you described. As recommended in the Mavic's user manual you should always avoid potential sources of magnetic interference when taking off.
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-3 13:33
And to the post saying something about magnetic fields, it might be right. It did stand on a metal plate when taking off.

That would be mine, and yes, if the plate was made of a magnetic metal such as iron or steel it could have affected the compass and triggered what I refer to as "BATTI mode" that often results in behavior like what you described. As recommended in the Mavic's user manual you should always avoid potential sources of magnetic interference when taking off.

Damn, I didn't occur to me that the metal plate would be a problem. I thought I wanted to "protect" the camera by not placing the drone in the grass. But it seems I did the opposite :-(
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-3 18:03
Damn, I didn't occur to me that the metal plate would be a problem. I thought I wanted to "protect" the camera by not placing the drone in the grass. But it seems I did the opposite :-(

You were right to think that taking off from grass isn't the best choice, but a good option is to use a landing pad like this one.
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Jos A
First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

try to update firmware via PC, and yes calibrate always your drone after a crash
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Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-3 18:03
Damn, I didn't occur to me that the metal plate would be a problem. I thought I wanted to "protect" the camera by not placing the drone in the grass. But it seems I did the opposite :-(

"I thought I wanted to "protect" the camera by not placing the drone in the grass. But it seems I did the opposite :-("

No worries, mistakes happen. We've all made our fair share of them with operating these copters. Take it as learned lesson for your next scheduled flight.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

I’ve said it many times, new pilots should always pick a spot that has no trees, cars, people or any other obstacles until they have flown for at least 5 hours. I don’t think there was anything wrong with your mavic, you just hit the “panic button”
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DJ Enertia
Flight distance : 614065 ft

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-10-4 05:18
I’ve said it many times, new pilots should always pick a spot that has no trees, cars, people or any other obstacles until they have flown for at least 5 hours. I don’t think there was anything wrong with your mavic, you just hit the “panic button”

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Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-10-4 05:18
I’ve said it many times, new pilots should always pick a spot that has no trees, cars, people or any other obstacles until they have flown for at least 5 hours. I don’t think there was anything wrong with your mavic, you just hit the “panic button”

Completely agree with this.

Much better to have that wide open space for any corrective moves you may need to make.
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

These things do not like metal below them at all.... I have had a few times where I launched from a picnic table with metal bars under the wood and did not fly right... landed right away and re-launched.  I have also landed on a bridge that had metal beams and got a Compass Error and would NOT calibrate at all; moved to grass and all was good. I also have a metal stand in my office that I place it on.. it hates that also. Keep thinking positive thoughts... it didn't dive into the water and nobody got hurt.
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

I'm guessing you took off before the drone had acquired a GPS lock and so was flying in OPTI or ATTI mode, the latter of which requires an experienced, skillful pilot in control. The logs would confirm or disprove my hypothesis -- if you follow DroneFlying's instructions we can give you some idea of what happened ahead of the official diagnosis.
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Flight distance : 93241 ft
United States

+1 to have landing gears on.  I would not fly without them on my A/C.

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Ex Machina Posted at 2017-10-4 07:04
I'm guessing you took off before the drone had acquired a GPS lock and so was flying in OPTI or ATTI mode, the latter of which requires an experienced, skillful pilot in control. The logs would confirm or disprove my hypothesis -- if you follow DroneFlying's instructions we can give you some idea of what happened ahead of the official diagnosis.

I'm pretty sure the display said everything was ok to take off, but I was in a bit hurry to take off because I needed to take the shot before people moved away, so I might have rushed it.
But I do think it was the metal plate, that caused it.
I've send the DAT file to support, so let's see what they say.
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edmaverik Posted at 2017-10-4 08:32
+1 to have landing gears on.  I would not fly without them on my A/C.


I'm so much getting a set of this :-)
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United Kingdom

Jost Posted at 2017-10-4 14:37
I'm so much getting a set of this :-)

Jost sorry to hear about your drone looks like you have plenty of support here. Jost something I have not seen on posts  after crashing mavic please check screws on MP I did ask DJI what tool to use did not have much luck so i called a re-seller in brighton uk and someone said use a allen key so after a few flights and bumps I just check to see if any screw is loose be careful not to tighten just give a little twist with key.

hope all goes well and though I am not as pro as some here I remember getting a mag inter on my RC if I am anywhere near metal.
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While waiting for an answer from the support regarding the DAT file, I finally finish upgrading (I think) to the latests firmware including all three batteries, but then I noticed something.
When the camera is pointing straight, should't the blue dot (see picture - yellow arrow pointing) be at the top of the slider? ... 1k/view?usp=sharing

Should it be like this or is it the crash that have caused it? When the camera is pointing straight down, the dot goes all the way down at the slider.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

edmaverik Posted at 2017-10-4 08:32
+1 to have landing gears on.  I would not fly without them on my A/C.


2nded..Don't leave without them just in case.
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Flight distance : 677362 ft

The worst flight I attempt was indoors to try record a music/fitness event.
Mavic  was totally uncontrollable, I think the reason was for massive electromagnetic interference, not for have any metal on take of or flight, I thing it came from 4 huge Audio PA's, they were at full sound load.
Cannot fly in this conditions.

And another advice, If you travel, you must calibrate the compass to compensate the earth magnetic deviation. I noticed this even moving 100 kilometres.
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Flight distance : 79642 ft
United States

I have recently had a whole slew of issues that I am fairly certain is due to buggy update and other issues...this after flying for 5 months with zero issues.  
Over the past several days I have had camera gimbal erratic roll "seizures", loss of transmission signal, incessant confirmation pop-ups even though I was flying in a totally clear area with no flight restrictions, and just now prompting of a compass recalibration (never had that before) right before the final flight.  The last flight log is littered with yaw error, speed error, and compass error in the span of 10 seconds before the crash.  It arced around on its own with zero control input.  Not happy.
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Jost Posted at 2017-10-5 13:17
While waiting for an answer from the support regarding the DAT file, I finally finish upgrading (I think) to the latests firmware including all three batteries, but then I noticed something.
When the camera is pointing straight, should't the blue dot (see picture - yellow arrow pointing) be at the top of the slider?

Any thoughts about the dot on the slider?
camera angle.png
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 419980 ft
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FLflyer Posted at 2017-10-6 13:33
I have recently had a whole slew of issues that I am fairly certain is due to buggy update and other issues...this after flying for 5 months with zero issues.  
Over the past several days I have had camera gimbal erratic roll "seizures", loss of transmission signal, incessant confirmation pop-ups even though I was flying in a totally clear area with no flight restrictions, and just now prompting of a compass recalibration (never had that before) right before the final flight.  The last flight log is littered with yaw error, speed error, and compass error in the span of 10 seconds before the crash.  It arced around on its own with zero control input.  Not happy.

You should be re-priming the compass after any firmware update.

It's not mentioned anywhere, but i re-prime my compass every month end at a grassy location free from man made material. It's over kill but i think in doing this, it minimises compass issues, especially when storing your mavic near speakers in cars or near hifi systems in the home.
I am actually thinking about deguassing the mavic's compass and doing a full compass reset.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5948264 ft
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United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-8 16:48
Any thoughts about the dot on the slider?

Jost..that's just to show the position of the gimbal/camera....the top and bottom are the end points....meaning full up/down. Hope that helps
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DennisMurry08 Posted at 2017-10-8 17:36
Jost..that's just to show the position of the gimbal/camera....the top and bottom are the end points....meaning full up/down. Hope that helps

Yeah I know, that's the problem.
My camera is at the highest/most straight point in that position. The dot cannot go any higher than shown  in the picture, but the camera is pointing  straight there.
Normally if I would set the camera at 45 degree angle I would put the dot in the middle of the slider. But if I do that the camera is not pointing in a 45 degree angle.
Does my question make sense now?

Or do I just remember wrong from before the crash/firmware update and the dot just can't go any higher than shown in the picture?
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-2 19:08
Really sorry for the crash, is the drone hurt by the crash and had you reported this to our support to start a data analysis? If you haven't, please send an email to  and start the data analysis, we will help to find out the reason of this crash. And if there is a damage on the drone, please send it back for repair. Please fill in some info on our online repair link of our official web and then send it back. Here is the link:
We will do our best to help this out. Thank you.

What's the normal response time for support mails?
I haven't got a support ticket number I've read in other posts that people are supposed to get.
I'm just curious :-)

If anyone is interested the DAT file can be found here: ... G8/view?usp=sharing

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-10 14:06
What's the normal response time for support mails?
I haven't got a support ticket number I've read in other posts that people are supposed to get.
I'm just curious :-)

Is that the same file you sent to DJI a week ago after I asked you to post it here? If so, you aren't going to be getting any useful information from them no matter how long you wait, because that doesn't appear to be the correct file from the flight you described.
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-10 14:33
Is that the same file you sent to DJI a week ago after I asked you to post it here? If so, you aren't going to be getting any useful information from them no matter how long you wait, because that doesn't appear to be the correct file from the flight you described.

That is the file I sent to the support (I missed the part about posting it here as well).

Is it not the correct file type or have I accidentally downloaded the wrong log?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-11 01:17
That is the file I sent to the support (I missed the part about posting it here as well).

Is it not the correct file type or have I accidentally downloaded the wrong log?

I missed the part about posting it here as well

That's understandable since it was only suggested by two other people besides myself in this thread.

Just work with DJI and they'll eventually get this sorted out for you. Good luck.

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Jost Posted at 2017-10-10 14:06
What's the normal response time for support mails?
I haven't got a support ticket number I've read in other posts that people are supposed to get.
I'm just curious :-)

It depends. If there is a need, you can contact us and provide us with your ticket number for an escalation.
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-11 02:29
I missed the part about posting it here as well

That's understandable since it was only suggested by two other people besides myself in this thread.

I see that now re-reading the posts. For reasons unknown I only noticed the part about sending the file to support.

Crossing fingers they can help me.
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DJI Thor Posted at 2017-10-11 06:11
It depends. If there is a need, you can contact us and provide us with your ticket number for an escalation.

I haven't got a ticket number. I sent the mail to Is that the right mail?

But I'm in doubt if I have sent the right file.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Jost Posted at 2017-10-11 15:19
I see that now re-reading the posts. For reasons unknown I only noticed the part about sending the file to support.

Crossing fingers they can help me.

Crossing fingers they can help me.

Well, I saw that he asked you to send your case number after you clearly stated that you don't have one, so I think you're probably starting to understand why it's not a good idea to rely solely on DJI for things like this.

I'm still willing to look at the DAT file, but you'll need to provide access to the correct one. It'll be a Flight Controller (FC) entry with a timestamp that corresponds to when the flight occurred and will probably be hundreds of megabytes in size. If you're not sure which one it is it's ok to retrieve more than one and I'll figure out which one is the right one.

In the meantime, you might check your junk email folder to see if a response was sent by DJI that ended up there.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Jost Posted at 2017-10-11 15:19
I haven't got a ticket number. I sent the mail to . Is that the right mail?

But I'm in doubt if I have sent the right file.

Check your junk email, see if you received an auto email with a request/ticket number, or you can also PM us your email address, I can check it for you.
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-11 17:16
Crossing fingers they can help me.

Well, I saw that he asked you to send your case number after you clearly stated that you don't have one, so I think you're probably starting to understand why it's not a good idea to rely solely on DJI for things like this.

Thanks, DroneFlying. I appreciate your help very much.

Checked the junk folder, but no mail with a ticket number.
I went back to the Mavic with the Assistent program to retrieve a new DAT file, but not knowing which one was the correct one I downloaded all of them. They can be found here: ... 0E/view?usp=sharing

I hope it isn't too much?

Now, the clever one would probably say: Why don't you just take the one where the date and time match?
Well, the crash took place the 30th September around 16:30 local time.
But as you can see in the attached picture, there are no logs from that date. I don't know if it's just the time stamps that aren't correct or the logs are gone.


Skærmbillede 2017-10-12 kl. 20.37.51.png
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