Ugene Posted at 2017-10-7 14:39
I've flown my DJI several times after update, but maybe because I'm using an android phone didn't notice much difference, nor did I get the new active track option, maybe it didn't get upgraded, although it doesn't offer any latest software updates.
ANYWAY. For the FIRST time, in over 17 hours of flying. Drone got disconnected from remote today, when it was maybe 50 feet away from me. And it was still on Gps mode, and even though all that it didn't fly home, but about 50 away (thank God in the opposite direction of a building and just lingered there for about 20 seconds (enough to give me a heart attack as this was in Rio and it was near one of those neighborhoods) and then it reconnected and I landed it. I flew it one more time afterwords in an open space just to be safe and it was fine, but what happened has no explanation, neither does the flight data show any error or switch in mode. I am very worried, so if anyone knows what may have happened in those short 20 seconds, please let me know.
'I am very worried, so if anyone knows what may have happened in those short 20 seconds, please let me know.'
Easy, because you were concentrating on the problem with the app crashing, the aircraft was sitting in the one place, as it should do, waiting for you to send it a command. Even though the app crashed, you can still manually fly the aircraft back to you. Or just press RTH. It would not have automatically return home because it had not actually lost the signal.