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Taking off on a slope?
770 5 2017-10-9
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Flight distance : 75502 ft
United Kingdom

Will taking off on a slight slope/slant affect the Imu ? Reason I ask is at the weekend I was out In a hilly area with my mavic, there was no flat ground so I took off on a slight slope, I notice the rear led on the mavic was red and I had an Imu  needs calibrating message in the go4 app. I immidiatly landed, checked the Imu status, all was good, so took off again and ran 2 batteries without issue.
What could have caused this,Should this be something to be concerned about?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 679 ft

radio/magnetic interference
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Will taking off on a slight slope/slant affect the Imu ?

I wouldn't think so and I've definitely taken off from sloped ground without a problem and would guess that it was just a coincidence, though I couldn't say for sure.

What could have caused this,Should this be something to be concerned about?

Unless it happens repeatedly or the aircraft's flight seems abnormal I wouldn't worry about it.
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Flight distance : 75502 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-9 09:23
Will taking off on a slight slope/slant affect the Imu ?

I wouldn't think so and I've definitely taken off from sloped ground without a problem and would guess that it was just a coincidence, though I couldn't say for sure.

Good to know, I've flown here before without problems, there were no other warnings either, I havnt had my mavic long and after reading the forum, you see lots of horror stories. I don't want to be another lost mavic statistic
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Sim-Y Posted at 2017-10-9 09:29
Good to know, I've flown here before without problems, there were no other warnings either, I havnt had my mavic long and after reading the forum, you see lots of horror stories. I don't want to be another lost mavic statistic

Yes, when it comes to flying, exercising caution and asking questions are good things.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

For most cases, we do not recommend calibrating on a slope or uneven surface, but I don't notice it would affect the IMU when taking off on this condition. But if the angel tilts too large, it might cause a flip, especially when controlling the stick hesitantly. For official advice, I would recommend taking off on the flat ground.
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