Flight distance : 172746 ft
during last weekend I tryed to fly with waypoints mod on my Phantom 4 Pro Plus and after I recorded some points and set up altitude on 100 m above ground level and star uploading points to my drone its stuck on 95%. I tryed to repeat upload and I got message that drone altitude is too high 
I started record another path and the same altitude 100m and same error. When I set up 50m upload finised with succes and dron started his mission. The place was clear of any restrictions to fly for drones.
I wrote to DJI support and get answer: "The waypoints sholud be able to be set to any altitude in which the aircraft can fly. It should be more thaen 10 meters, but we are not aware of any restriction in terms of maximum altitude."
Please let me know if you have similar problems with max altidude after last update.
Marcin P.