Flight distance : 165105 ft
fansd1d40f34 Posted at 2017-10-16 19:27
I received my RC from DJI support. I think it was brand new. It had a tag over the button where you can switch from P to Sports mode, etc. I charged it to 100%. Then I connected it to my tablet and it was in need of a firmware update. I updated it successfully and then connected it to my P4 standard and calibrated it. I ran the battery down to maybe 92% and then recharged it again to 100% successfully. Then I headed out and was able to fly my P4 without any known issues. So far so good. I don't know if I was just lucky but, my product was not under warranty and DJI repaired it (replaced it) free of charge. Perhaps they realized it was their firmware that caused the issue? I don't know but, my experience with them was mostly positive. DJI received my RC September 21, verified it September 25, and it was back in my hands October 14. Awesome (so far). Let's see if it can withstand the upcoming firmware updates, etc.
Nice. Thanks for the update, that's awesome, so far. Ha
Anyway, yes it sounds like DJI sent you out a brand new RC, which I think is very good.
I know it will serve you well, and that you can finally feel the same enjoyment, the vast majority of DJI customers have felt all along. Once you get everything updated, tuned up, and you, familiar with your aircraft, because you have indeed RTFM and gone over the app thoroughly after your last, most recent app or firmware update.
You are certifiable hahaha