n00b question about controller operational distance.
727 7 2017-10-16
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Flight distance : 55807 ft

OK so for my first post i'm going to probably repeat a million other posts by asking, what's the actual realistic operational distance for the fly more remote with the spark?

I sometimes get "no signal" drop outs at 200m or 400m if it's directly above me. but as for distance even in open space i can't acheive near to 2kms.

What's the best configuration of the antena? flat facing away, pointing up? Any advice?

I'm getting more confident flying everyday and would ultimately like to push it as far as i can.

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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

For your first question, the flight distance of spark is related to the place you fly.
For optimal signal transmission, please adjust the position of the antennas on the remote controller as the picture shows.
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Flight distance : 330686 ft

1st of all, you're in Europe, which means the spark's official range under ideal conditions is 300m (5.8GHz) and 500m (2.4GHz). The 2k are in FCC mode which is not allowed in Europe where we have to use the CE stadard, which means lower signal strenght.

(However, as I mentioned before those estimates are quite conservative and I personally found that you can go significantly further, but the image transmission quality will suffer and connection losses will appear when the RC is not pointed directly at the AC etc.)

I found this nice gif regarding the position of your RC antennas. Always make sure that you point them at the AC and nothing blocks your view.

hope that helps,

RC Antennas

RC Antennas
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Flight distance : 166512 ft
United Kingdom

Hi Darren,

You are going to get a couple different style of answers to this. Firstly you will get rules quoted to you regarding drone safety such as;

You must keep your drone within your visual line of sight and there is no way you are keeping a spark in your sight at 2km and unless you really know your flight area you could potentially risk potential crashes and people’s safety.

Then you will get your technical answers in that in Europe the spark is restricted to around 500m distance so you will never achieve anywhere near a distance of 2km. That being said depending on conditions there are plenty of videos around of people flying more than double that in perfect conditions ie lack of any kind of interference and using the 2.4ghz WiFi band.

Ultimately the spark isn’t really made for long distance flying due to its small size and limited battery time. So just be aware of the regulations in your area and enjoy flying and you should be able to great some great footage with it.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

I would really like to be able, to position the antennas diagonally TO THE GROUND!
But somewhere at DJI decided, that the antennas have just about 100° angle to turn.
270° would be a lot better. Also we could put one diagonally down, one vertically or horizontally.

Minimum for "the legal LOS" flights, that should give a lot more stability in the connection!

@ droneburger

Lets say from 200 to 2500m everything can happen.
(Happened to me)
It is not only the line of sight, I think, it is also your position on or above the ground, to the ac.
And, of course, the height difference to the drone and the flight direction of the bird.
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Flight distance : 55807 ft

Pez942 Posted at 2017-10-17 00:55
Hi Darren,

You are going to get a couple different style of answers to this. Firstly you will get rules quoted to you regarding drone safety such as;

Thanks Pez!
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Flight distance : 55807 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 2017-10-17 01:10
I would really like to be able, to position the antennas diagonally TO THE GROUND!
But somewhere at DJI decided, that the antennas have just about 100° angle to turn.
270° would be a lot better. Also we could put one diagonally down, one vertically or horizontally.

I appreciate the answer 7
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Flight distance : 55807 ft

Flip_L Posted at 2017-10-17 00:49
1st of all, you're in Europe, which means the spark's official range under ideal conditions is 300m (5.8GHz) and 500m (2.4GHz). The 2k are in FCC mode which is not allowed in Europe where we have to use the CE stadard, which means lower signal strenght.

(However, as I mentioned before those estimates are quite conservative and I personally found that you can go significantly further, but the image transmission quality will suffer and connection losses will appear when the RC is not pointed directly at the AC etc.)

very helpful thank you!
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