DJI Spark recorded video can't be found on SD Card
13434 25 2017-10-19
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 387562 ft

I went out with my Spark today and recorded maybe one of my best shots ever - unfortunately the full quality file cant be found on the SD Card.
Heres how it happened:
  • Started spark, flew with OTG. No bad notification. 15 Satellites. SD Card (16GB, 3/4 full) inserted.
  • Flew up and started recording a video
  • 20 sec after hitting record, i ended the recording.
  • Checked if there was a file recorded - yes it was
  • Landed the aircraft
  • Powered down

Came home and found the Cache video of the recording on my phone - so i thought its all good. Well, no.
The original FullHD file was not on the SD Card.

The Spark recorded the video for sure, because i have the cache file on my phone - i also didn't shut down the Spark while recording. It all was performed correctly.

I checked the SD card afterwards and recorded another video, this time, the video was on the SD Card. The other video is still missing.

The file names show that theres a missing name, the file DJI_125 is missing, its skipped. (see photo)

I used a Resue Software for my SD but it shows me completely irritating files that can't be played back. (see photo 2)

So i'm now asking here:
Did anyone expierenced this failure and has a clue how to help me or where i can find the file? DJI Support, can you help me??


DJI_125 is missing?!

DJI_125 is missing?!

rescued files

rescued files
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

Did you turn off your AC when your camera is still recording? If not, please check the OSD information in your app. Please keep us updated.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-19 22:34
Did you turn off your AC when your camera is still recording? If not, please check the OSD information in your app. Please keep us updated.

Everything was performed correctly like i listed it below.
I recorded the video mid air, stopped it, landed afterwards and then shut off everything else (see both pictures)

Information to A & B of first picture:
Video Recording Started
Flight time: 01m 23s
Altitude: 64.1 m
Home Distance: 1 m
Latitude: 48.550900
Longitude: 10.088874
Gimbal Pitch: 6.8° down
Gimbal Heading: 222°

Video Recording Ended
Flight time: 01m 44s
Altitude: 64.1 m
Home Distance: 50 m
Latitude: 48.550545
Longitude: 10.088433
Gimbal Pitch: 6.8° down
Gimbal Heading: 219°

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Ahmed Hussain
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1339761 ft
  • >>>

Don't format the SD for a period of time, some with same issue found their files after few times flying.

The file just need ( finalizing process ) and this could occur any time other file been finalizing.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-10-20 03:45
Everything was performed correctly like i listed it below.
I recorded the video mid air, stopped it, landed afterwards and then shut off everything else (see both pictures)

Thanks for your update. I would forward it to our engineers for check.
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Flight distance : 93009 ft

I had luck a week ago and could recover a video after sparky crashed and lost its battery. I used "recuva" and "digital video repair" (both free) which brought me back the video in full glory. The video looked slightly damaged at first after recovery. Btw: Sparky crashed because it continued to move with seconds-old commands (terrible lag) into a shrub.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

Ahmed Hussain Posted at 2017-10-20 09:39
Don't format the SD for a period of time, some with same issue found their files after few times flying.

The file just need ( finalizing process ) and this could occur any time other file been finalizing.

Thanks for the tip! Will check this out for sure.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-20 23:01
Thanks for your update. I would forward it to our engineers for check.

Thank you! Hope theres something to fix
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-10-22 22:02
Thank you! Hope theres something to fix

Can you export the flight log for better analysis? Please upload to dropbox and share the link here. Thanks for your support.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-23 23:29
Can you export the flight log for better analysis? Please upload to dropbox and share the link here. Thanks for your support.

heres the flight log from that day. Sorry that it took so long.!AtLKnmlMOpkogbdbPlaM1X00wbtSBQ
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Unknown User
Flight distance : 63615 ft
Hong Kong

It's a bit too late to post about it since I don't have any files to 'prove it', but I had the exact same issue. Was out on a boat, though I got a nice group video just around sunset and I saw the cached video on my phone. When I went to check the SD card the pictures I took earlier and the videos I tooked earlier were there but the final group video and pictuers weren't. Quite disappointed, but there was nothing there for me to report aside from missing pictures/videos. I'm glad you brought this up. You're not the only one having this issue. It's only happened once, so I hope it won't happen again.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-10-31 14:16
heres the flight log from that day. Sorry that it took so long.!AtLKnmlMOpkogbdbPlaM1X00wbtSBQ

That's ok. But can you upload to dropbox instead. I can not download the flight log through your link. Thanks a lot.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

Unknown User Posted at 2017-10-31 20:30
It's a bit too late to post about it since I don't have any files to 'prove it', but I had the exact same issue. Was out on a boat, though I got a nice group video just around sunset and I saw the cached video on my phone. When I went to check the SD card the pictures I took earlier and the videos I tooked earlier were there but the final group video and pictuers weren't. Quite disappointed, but there was nothing there for me to report aside from missing pictures/videos. I'm glad you brought this up. You're not the only one having this issue. It's only happened once, so I hope it won't happen again.

Feel pity about your missing videos and pictures. Did the problem happen again?
Please try to format your SD card and ensure that it is supported by our spark.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Ahmed Hussain Posted at 2017-10-20 09:39
Don't format the SD for a period of time, some with same issue found their files after few times flying.

The file just need ( finalizing process ) and this could occur any time other file been finalizing.

I can confirm this. Has happened to me as well one time. After the following recording the missing one was suddenly back.
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Unknown User
Flight distance : 63615 ft
Hong Kong

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-31 23:14
Feel pity about your missing videos and pictures. Did the problem happen again?
Please try to format your SD card and ensure that it is supported by our spark.

AFterwards I've reformated the card again. It was the Sandisk card provided with the pre-order. Actually something of note, every time I physically remove the SD card and plug it into a card reader to pull the files from onto my desktop. Each time windows 10 prompts me to scan and repair the SD card. Am I supposed to 'unmount' the SD card somehow before pulling it out? I mean the Spark is obviously already turned off already.

upgraded to the new firmware now, so I'll guess I'll have to see if it happens again.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

Unknown User Posted at 2017-11-1 21:29
AFterwards I've reformated the card again. It was the Sandisk card provided with the pre-order. Actually something of note, every time I physically remove the SD card and plug it into a card reader to pull the files from onto my desktop. Each time windows 10 prompts me to scan and repair the SD card. Am I supposed to 'unmount' the SD card somehow before pulling it out? I mean the Spark is obviously already turned off already.

upgraded to the new firmware now, so I'll guess I'll have to see if it happens again.

Thanks for the update. Please let us know if the problem solve.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-31 23:02
That's ok. But can you upload to dropbox instead. I can not download the flight log through your link. Thanks a lot.

Ok, heres the dropbox link: ... 1_23-20-22.DAT?dl=0
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

Wachtberger Posted at 2017-11-1 00:26
I can confirm this. Has happened to me as well one time. After the following recording the missing one was suddenly back.

need to test it. The 1 recording i did after that issue didn't bring up the file. Need to take the spark out few times and see...

Also a data recovery didn't help here. Cant find the file, all i could find was a damaged DJI_125.mp4 file, but its not readable so i didn't recover it.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-11-2 00:22
need to test it. The 1 recording i did after that issue didn't bring up the file. Need to take the spark out few times and see...

Also a data recovery didn't help here. Cant find the file, all i could find was a damaged DJI_125.mp4 file, but its not readable so i didn't recover it.

Thanks for the information. Your data will be forwarded for further analysis. Did you export the black box data, the completed data is needed, so we can locate the problem better.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-11-2 00:40
Thanks for the information. Your data will be forwarded for further analysis. Did you export the black box data, the completed data is needed, so we can locate the problem better.

Only exported the flight log. Can add the black box later that day.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-11-2 00:51
Only exported the flight log. Can add the black box later that day.

Thanks again. We will let you know once we get news.
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Flight distance : 76539 ft

I have had a similar experience before. At that time I had thought that it was a problem with my SD card so I immediately reformatted it. I am glad now that this is being reported and I am not the only one with this issue.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

Centraltooth Posted at 2017-11-2 01:19
I have had a similar experience before. At that time I had thought that it was a problem with my SD card so I immediately reformatted it. I am glad now that this is being reported and I am not the only one with this issue.

Did you update to the latest firmware and check if the problem is solved?
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Flight distance : 387562 ft

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-11-2 01:30
Did you update to the latest firmware and check if the problem is solved?

unfortunately thats nothing you can check. The problem only appeared once and you cant simply reproduce this. It occurs sporadically.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-11-2 02:33
unfortunately thats nothing you can check. The problem only appeared once and you cant simply reproduce this. It occurs sporadically.

I see. Thanks for reminding.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

rarevfx_officia Posted at 2017-11-2 02:33
unfortunately thats nothing you can check. The problem only appeared once and you cant simply reproduce this. It occurs sporadically.

Thanks for your patience. We can not locate the problem as you can not provide the black box data. Also, we do not support OTG cable now. If you have the same problems with wifi connection, please provide the black box data. Thanks for your attention and our engineers are trying hard to make it work better.
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