Flight distance : 15358 ft
if u take only 2 x 180 u can have problem with missing part of horizon or they dont fit perfectly if spark little move on wind. U can even take 6 x 180 and put all photos in project - software will use all to achive view using exif info and gps to compare main points. Generaly more photos (if dron doesnt move at all) will give u more options to choose layers. I take always also minimum 3 x 180 pano so they can overlap each other and i have option to use part of them e.g in one pano 180 in corner is moving smudged car, in other pano wich cover same place is no car so in 3rd app used to stitching photos i use layer without car.
If u use ptgui like author sugested to me, u can even take 4 x 9pic panos from bottom and software will from all photos best to use and fit to other. |