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Prop and Motor Life Span
8586 16 2017-10-25
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United States

Does anyone know what the manufacturer's suggested prop replacement time is?  How many hours are the props supposed to be good for?Also, what about motor life?

Trying to keep my maintenance logs up to date for the FAA.

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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Please note that the props will have an approximate lifespan of 200 flights if you mount them in a proper way. I think you should do a pre-flight check for motor to confirm that they have not
become loose and if you hear some abnormal noise of motor. You should send it back for check.
You can read the maintenance manual through our website:
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United States

DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-25 18:27
Please note that the props will have an approximate lifespan of 200 flights if you mount them in a proper way. I think you should do a pre-flight check for motor to confirm that they have not
become loose and if you hear some abnormal noise of motor. You should send it back for check.
You can read the maintenance manual through our website:

Thanks! That’s just what I was looking for. The link says Inspire 1, is there a maintenance manual for an Inspire 2?
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Blackwood Posted at 2017-10-25 21:21
Thanks! That’s just what I was looking for. The link says Inspire 1, is there a maintenance manual for an Inspire 2?

I think the maintenance part is suitable for both Inspire 1&2. Please have a look in it and feel free to ask us more question.  
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Flight distance : 5821539 ft
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DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-25 22:44
I think the maintenance part is suitable for both Inspire 1&2. Please have a look in it and feel free to ask us more question.

Hi DJI Elektra. I got the point with the props. But how long is the life span for the motors Inspire 2? Thanks for your feedback. Regards, Gerry
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

I suspect the motors will last a long time if the bearings are good (Don't know what the quality is of the bearings in the DJI ones though??).  I'm thinking of the brushless fan motors in our laptops and desktops that run for thousands of hours where they run 8-9 hours a day 5 days a week in the shop, and for a few years too before the entire machine is tossed out for a newer and faster one, but the brushless fans still work.
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Flight distance : 5821539 ft
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fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-10-26 07:46
I suspect the motors will last a long time if the bearings are good (Don't know what the quality is of the bearings in the DJI ones though??).  I'm thinking of the brushless fan motors in our laptops and desktops that run four thousands of hours where they run 8-9 hours a day 5 days a week in the shop, and for a few years too before the entire machine is tossed out for a newer and faster one, but the brushless fans still work.

Thank you for your feedback. Changing the props isn't a big deal ..... but the motors should last longer ..... very much longer .... or at least to the point once the Inspire 3 is on the market ;-)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-10-25 18:27
Please note that the props will have an approximate lifespan of 200 flights if you mount them in a proper way. I think you should do a pre-flight check for motor to confirm that they have not
become loose and if you hear some abnormal noise of motor. You should send it back for check.
You can read the maintenance manual through our website:

Dear DJI Electra, pardon my frivolous mood, but what will be the lifespan of propellers if you mount them incorrectly ? Just kiddin' ...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

I have a FAA Remote Pilot Certificate and I use 50 hours on the props. that is, unless there is any damage what so ever. the slightest nick and it is replaced. I also use Windex to clean them every so often. You would be amazed at the amount of tiny bugs that we cut up in the air. I use a Fair IR Temp Meter to keep track of the motors and must say that I have never had to replace one.
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United States

Rodger8 Posted at 2017-10-26 10:48
I have a FAA Remote Pilot Certificate and I use 50 hours on the props. that is, unless there is any damage what so ever. the slightest nick and it is replaced. I also use Windex to clean them every so often. You would be amazed at the amount of tiny bugs that we cut up in the air. I use a Fair IR Temp Meter to keep track of the motors and must say that I have never had to replace one.

I think the sound attracts the mosquitoes. Lol
Had a bee attack my old Phantom once. Had to clean up body parts off the props and hull.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Blackwood Posted at 2017-10-26 20:07
I think the sound attracts the mosquitoes. Lol
Had a bee attack my old Phantom once. Had to clean up body parts off the props and hull.

The motors should last longer than you can say Inspire 3     The main reason the motors would become faulty is of the environment they are operating in. Dirt and sand are the enemy. The bearing should last a long time in normal ware and tare. If you are flying in a sandy or dirty environment then your motors will need attention sooner.

Keep track of the temperatures of the motors after you have been running hard. This will help you from having motor failure.
DJI has been incorporating redundancy in the ESC's which will help all of us down the road!

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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Dobmatt Posted at 2017-10-26 10:40
Dear DJI Electra, pardon my frivolous mood, but what will be the lifespan of propellers if you mount them incorrectly ? Just kiddin' ...

I'm not sure about this. If you do the pre-flight check and find the following situation, I would not recommend you continue to use those props.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

Blackwood Posted at 2017-10-26 20:07
I think the sound attracts the mosquitoes. Lol
Had a bee attack my old Phantom once. Had to clean up body parts off the props and hull.

In the warm months I get a lot of little orange bugs on the props. I use Windex to clean everything up. For small abrasions and marks try "Flitz" it will make you shell look like it just came out of the box.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

Are the bearings in the Inspire 1 & 2 sealed or not?   I would think they are, but maybe cost wise they are not?

I changed my Trimmer front throw mower's clutch bearings yesterday and shocked they were not sealed at all, just a flimsy metal cover where you could see the balls if tilted, and the balls were seized up in the races.  Pretty bad for a $750 lawnmower that works in the dirt.
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-10-27 09:43
Are the bearings in the Inspire 1 & 2 sealed or not?   I would think they are, but maybe cost wise they are not?

I changed my Trimmer front throw mower's clutch bearings yesterday and shocked they were not sealed at all, just a flimsy metal cover where you could see the balls if tilted, and the balls were seized up in the races.  Pretty bad for a $750 lawnmower that works in the dirt.

Sorry that I can not understand you well. Please shoot a video about the situation you described. Thanks for your support.
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G37 Mavic Pro
Flight distance : 49741 ft
United States

Thanks for sharing, this is good stuff.
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Flight distance : 810082 ft
United Kingdom

It's well worth rotating the motors gently by hand and making sure that they all have the same "feel".  I've always done this with drones and, after feeling one motor on my I2 rougher than the other 3 I returned it to DJI - they replace ALL FOUR under warranty.
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