Flight distance : 66988 ft
United States
Kneepuck Posted at 2017-10-29 18:51
Based on what you described and the appearance of the area, I would say either a bird strike or accidental contact with a tree branch. Looks like visual on the drone would have been tough to maintain through all the trees. All Phantom 3 series have self tightening props. It would be extremely unusual for a prop to come off, unless it was damaged prior to flight, like the threads were messed up, or the black dot props were installed on the silver dot motors. That would be hard to do, but possible, I suppose. Can you upload the flight logs? That would maybe give us some clues as to what went wrong.
I didnt think about a possible bird strike. I was above the trees, as my line of sight was clear of trees so I doubt it was contact with tree limbs.