 Second Officer
Flight distance : 2379249 ft
medyq69 Posted at 2017-11-1 01:32
IMO controler "has two slots" of freq (two ways of connection) one is 2,4 second 5,8. And if u want connect controller to both devices (dron + phone) one of them must use 2,4 and there cant be second device on this band and free is second one - 5,8. If u set in app tjhat u want connect spark- controller via 2,4ghz and X channel, then u dont have option to choose this also to connect phone to controler - this option of settings (that wifi can be save) is only for connection spark - controler or spark - phone. third device (smartphone ) if u use already controler and spark is connected by free frequency so if u force spark to use 2,4 then for phone free will be 5,8. One device = one free freq.
Ok I understand that, but then we need the OTG cable right? but DJI do not support the use of OTG with Spark, so what is the point of having this option in this FW? if you don't use OTG then there is only one way to fly and that is by letting the AC and RC choose the best signal wich in this case will allways be 5.8GHz. Last time I tried to connect to 2.4GHz the AC did not connect at all, so I had to switch back to 5.8...
By the way thank you medyq69 for the explanation. |