Flight distance : 182680 ft
RE: Image transmission lost after 3 meters??
DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-11-5 19:07
Please ensure that there is no interference around your spark. Bluetooth devices should be turned off during the flight. Or you can try to fly in airplane mode and see if the image transmission gets better. In addition, do not shield the antenna when you fly your spark. If the problem remains, please keep us informed.
Dear DJI Electra.
Today I took the Spark to the beach. The channel selection was in auto and on 5.8GHZ.
I use my iPad 4 mini and Bluetooth was off. My phone was in my pocket was in airplane mode.
I managed around 8 meters and lost connection.
I then switched to 2.4GHz, I choose a channel with zero noise on. This time I manage around 30 meters before RTH is engaged. I fly line of sight and with the antennas in the right orientation.
What is going on here? I simply can not use my spark for anything, it is completely unreliable.