Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft
Well, if there is to be a Phantom 5 then it is fair to assume it will be more expensive, and even more professional than the P4 or P4Pro. So what features are sensible?
1. How about, more offline capabilities in the area of flight planning. I do a lot of flight planning before I even get to the place or even country where I will be flying.
2. An integrated drone finder facility. A system not based on GPS, or requiring a WIFI or telephone link, just a pile sender signal, even a signal only covering a relatively short range would be useful. It is the last one or two hundred meters that is difficult when you are trying to locate a lost ac.
3. Closer integration/cooperation with third party software. DJI must face up to the fact they cannot and will never be capable of supplying everything, so set up a common interface that can be accessed by others where we can log our flights from other Apps, transfer flight plans, or even program our own Apps and get them to interface with the DJI software etc.
4. A true dynamic home-point feature would be great, one that uses the controller as its home-point and updates regularly, that means in seconds not minutes or every 15 meters or so. If contact is lost it could be a “return to last known home”. Features like “follow-home-point” or controlling the ac from a moving platform (like a boat) would be possible.
5. RTH setting ability to return to controller, with a “hand-catch” setting. For example the ac returns to hover two meters or so above the controller then can be slowly brought down manually.
6. The ability to use multiple screens/goggles, people have wives and families that are doomed to watching a black dot in the sky while dad alone has fun. I could imagine a business enterprise doing guided tours where groups of people are each given a pair of goggles and then flown around the local places of interest.
7. What about a true 3D camera setup. So we can all do “Avatar” remakes. Or film with 360 degrees and let your partner watch what they want, whilst you pilot.
N.B. Where I have used gender to refer to pilots or attendants is in no way intended to be discriminating.