Flight distance : 155984 ft
DJI Thor Posted at 2017-11-8 03:46
So it works when in the good light condition, right? Could you please provide the pano and the original pics which stitching the pano to me? Please upload to Dropbox so I can download it. Will help to check. Thank you.
I have had the same issue. It appears that when shooting a low light panorama, the drone doesn't wait sufficient time to stop yaw before snapping certain pics. I no longer have the original images to show you (they were blurry, so I deleted them), but if I can describe.
Original 9 shot pano sequence was as follows:
9 3 4
8 1 5
7 2 6
Photos 1-3 are usually good, as it is a mechanically stabilized horizontal movement. The problem appears after yaw movement occurs. 4 will be blurry, the next 2 will be ok. 7 will be HORRIBLE, 8 and 9 OK.
My theory: while the yaw movement has slowed down enough for the electronic image stabilization to "stabilize" the yaw axis, the reality is the aircraft, and the camera sensor, is still physically moving. Therefore, with a slow shutter, you will still get blur on this axis. The next 2 images are clean as the aircraft has physically stopped yawing. 7 is particulaly bad as it is after a large yaw movement, so there is more inertia in the spin, meaning the aircraft is still moving more when the pic is snapped.
My suggestion for a fix: when the camera detects a slow shutter speed, it should wait for the PHYSICAL yaw of the aircraft to drop to a nearly stable threshold before taking the pic. This may take longer to shoot the sequence, but I'd prefer good pictures than fast pictures.
attached pic was shot on a windy night, but it shows the effect very exaggerated for clarity.