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Taking off at high building - 2 questions
4971 11 2017-11-7
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Flight distance : 15358 ft

Hi, this week i will in friends apartment - last floor in high building and i would like to send my sparky in to the sky. I remember i read it somewhere but cant find so asking.

1. if i take off on apartment altitude, will spark recalculate height  when he fly away from a balcony? E.g. if i start on 100m, when i fly a bit from a building, can i change altitude to lower than start point e.g 90m?

2. when u try to start from metalic surface can we avoid 'cant take off' and compass error and take off - turning something off? it would be nice to land on roof to take more stable photos. But edges of flat roof/mantelpieces are always covered with sheet of metal - and we all know what it mean. Is there any way to take off in that situation when i cant go to the roof to rescue my dron after landing in that kind of place?  I usually take off from metal bridge (covered with concrete) and didnt find solution yet - i always can land but taking off laways only from hand.

Thanks in advance
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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When taking off spark will get it’s altitude from take off position, so if it’s the balcony once it gets outside it will show a minus figure.

Biggest problem taking off from a balcony will be its effect on sparks compass, also flying around high buildings in built up areas gps and radio signal can be seriously effected, so double check everything before you fly because there is always going to be some risk in this environment.
Good luck.
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Flight distance : 15358 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-11-7 12:14
When taking off spark will get it’s altitude from take off position, so if it’s the balcony once it gets outside it will show a minus figure.

Biggest problem taking off from a balcony will be its effect on sparks compass, also flying around high buildings in built up areas gps and radio signal can be seriously effected, so double check everything before you fly because there is always going to be some risk in this environment.

Thx, so if minus will be shown he wont try to land or turn off engines? ;)

Taking off from balcony can be problem - but it will start for sure from hand e.g. gesture mode. im affraid off his return and safetly landing. There is no other building nearby - one high with view for river ;)
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Flight distance : 2379249 ft

As hallmark007 pointed out you have to be careful if you want to take off from a balcony, pay attention to the possible gusty winds there might be when the drone leaves the cover/ shelter from the balcony. If you have trouble taking off due to metal structure on the ground, you can always take of from your pack bag or hardcase where yoy store/transport your drone, it will be a good take off platform.
also be very careful not to fly if there are peopple on the street first you know ;-)
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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medyq69 Posted at 2017-11-7 13:26
Thx, so if minus will be shown he wont try to land or turn off engines? ;)

Taking off from balcony can be problem - but it will start for sure from hand e.g. gesture mode. im affraid off his return and safetly landing. There is no other building nearby - one high with view for river ;)

If you lose connection within 20 metres or critical battery it could well land you need to make sure that RTH settings are correct for the area your flying in.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-11-7 13:30
If you lose connection within 20 metres or critical battery it could well land you need to make sure that RTH settings are correct for the area your flying in.

Critical battery auto landing rises a interesting question, methinks.
On one hand, if starting point is 100m high, will it count to the 100m starting altitude then?
Even if flying in 120m's (p.ex) over ground?
And how is critical battery auto landing calculated, if flying BELOW the starting altitude?

I do think, the feature "critical battery auto landing" is to avoid, if starting from the highest point in the area
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Flight distance : 15358 ft

yep its good question. he gonna lower altitude from 120m to 100m (start height) and then what.. ? if he reach 100m and no surface under he will lower height until sense ground (slowly reduce it from 100m to 0m - if enough baattery or fall during it if battery limit wont be enough?) or turn off engines at 100m as a starting altitude ?

What with second question? any idea how to force dron to take off from metal surface if i cant put there landing pad? - i woud like to land in place where i cant earlier  access to prepare landing - nooone from USA never wanted to land on top of e.g. San Francisco bridge and than return to ground level?
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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S-e-ven Posted at 2017-11-7 20:12
Critical battery auto landing rises a interesting question, methinks.
On one hand, if starting point is 100m high, will it count to the 100m starting altitude then?
Even if flying in 120m's (p.ex) over ground?

Critical landing is not calculated aircraft will continue to lower until it finds ground to land on, there may be a problem with battery calculation which could leave aircraft short and run out in the air and fall.

But I don’t think spark can tell how much battery it needs to make the landing.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-11-8 02:31
Critical landing is not calculated aircraft will continue to lower until it finds ground to land on, there may be a problem with battery calculation which could leave aircraft short and run out in the air and fall.

But I don’t think spark can tell how much battery it needs to make the landing.

"But I don’t think spark can tell how much battery it needs to make the landing."

That was my point.
I just used fancy words for it ;-)
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Flight distance : 15358 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 2017-11-8 04:02
"But I don’t think spark can tell how much battery it needs to make the landing."

That was my point.

he cant but we can see in app time flight counting down left on this battery, so if we see he is still landing but 1 min left - we can start to cry
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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medyq69 Posted at 2017-11-8 00:02
yep its good question. he gonna lower altitude from 120m to 100m (start height) and then what.. ? if he reach 100m and no surface under he will lower height until sense ground (slowly reduce it from 100m to 0m - if enough baattery or fall during it if battery limit wont be enough?) or turn off engines at 100m as a starting altitude ?

What with second question? any idea how to force dron to take off from metal surface if i cant put there landing pad? - i woud like to land in place where i cant earlier  access to prepare landing - nooone from USA never wanted to land on top of e.g. San Francisco bridge and than return to ground level?

I think it will still use the normal autolandin speed, till it sensors "see"  ground.
It will only start to late, to cover 100 more meter as the taking off point was.

To "starting on metal surface" :
I can only tell you my procedure now, if I am "with" the Spark.
I sit down and let it take of from my horizontal upper leg via "slide start" in the app
Aside that a landing pad will mostly not change a thing with metal just below.
I had a 6cm wooden deck on top of some steel construction and the compass went wild!
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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medyq69 Posted at 2017-11-8 04:06
he cant but we can see in app time flight counting down left on this battery, so if we see he is still landing but 1 min left - we can start to cry

If you can see it, you are lucky and still have all this "one minute", to find it a "hook", somewhere.
It is landing, but you can fly it horizontally on any other balcony or roof you can find in about 100m distance but below the Sparks altitude
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