I thought it might be helpful to establish some common acryonyms for this Forum. This will save each of us valuable time when posting or responding to posts. Feel free to add to the list. General BM – as in “Don’tmake me go Bob Marley on you and lay into you for no reason other than I feelso superior than you.” Can be used byBob Marley when he has one of his random churlish outbursts or anyone else thatalso wants to make a jackleg of themselves. BMO – My name isBob Marley and I am out. This is my lastpost because I am so smart that no one can possibly know something I don’t. MYB - My name is “Mr. I am bored and want to mindyour business for you because I have nothing else to do” e.g. “I see you have taken apart your Inspire –did you know you are going to void your warranty?” Also good for the following “great video,however, you flew (over a public park, over a crowd, too high, etc.) what areyou trying to do ruin it for everyone.” IMS –I might sellmy Inspire 1 because I am so tired of XYZ. But I know deep down I am not really going to sell it but it feels goodto pretend I might. Firmware NFFMU – the newFirmware funked me up WFF – where the funkis the new firmware? HFUP – I hate theFirmware update process WFGS – where thefunk is ground station? Crashes CMI – I crashedmy Inspire. I am an experience pilotand I calibrated my compass and had good GPS and then my Inspire took off onits own and crashed. Quite likelyfollowed by a BM or COA Crash Responses COA - My name is Captain Obnoxious and I am holierthan thou - you should have known how to fly in ATTI mode – yada, yada, yada SFL – I am sorryfor the loss of your Inspire 1 (typically followed by COA – see above) Repairs &Parts RWA – I sent my Inspire in for repairs weeks ago and haveheard nothing IGS – I’m gonna sue DJI WFTSP – where the funk are the spare parts. Frequentlyfollowed by IGS (see above) Phantom 3 DSU – DJI screwed us with the Phantom 3. So much cheaper and basically the samefunctionality LG3 – I paid a $3,000 premium for landing gear that raisesand I am mad. Usually followed by IGS