I discovered last weekend the fantastic new 360 "sphere" mode of my little Sparky.
To edit the output, I installed on my Iphone Theta+, which can create automatically nice video clip.
For example:
The issue is - even if i can get HiRes Pano out of my Spark - the quality of the video clip produced by Theta+ is quite bad.
My question is the following: do you know a software with similar capabilities but producing at least 1080p quality output?
desktop version doesnt have that option? if u use iphone generated pano (tiny planet) its low quality. Did u try render this on desktop and then use theta for pc ? in description is that its support video up to 4k res
Theta desktop version (at least on Mac) give you the possibility to navigate into the HiRes 360 but in no way to automate and export a videoclip out of it...
How did i do it? Thats quite straightforward:
1/ Take a 360 shot with Spark
2/ Stitch and download locally
2/ Use Theta+ app which create automatically such (low res) video clip
I am still on if someone knows how to make it happen in HiRes. Thanks.
fansfe6978b8 Posted at 2017-11-11 23:59
Theta desktop version (at least on Mac) give you the possibility to navigate into the HiRes 360 but in no way to automate and export a videoclip out of it...
How did i do it? Thats quite straightforward:
1/ Take a 360 shot with Spark
What do you mean with "2/ Stitch and download locally"? Is that with the DJI GO 4 App on your mobile? If yes, you won't get the high resulution. Have you tried with the original high resolution pictures from the SD card of the Spark on a PC?
Wachtberger Posted at 2017-11-12 00:10
What do you mean with "2/ Stitch and download locally"? Is that with the DJI GO 4 App on your mobile? If yes, you won't get the high resulution. Have you tried with the original high resolution pictures from the SD card of the Spark on a PC?
Thanks for your message.
So OK yes i first used DJI GO4 to get the video i posted. I just stitched a hires picture on my mac with autostitch and send it back to my phone to generate the animation with Theta+ (as the desktop version don't generate such animation), it is maybe slightly better but still quite low (736x414).