1799 24 2017-11-15
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Flight distance : 199662 ft

Well I am sure I am not the only one here thinking the same thing. Sick of waiting for DJI to come up with the latest WORKING software for Phanton 4 standard.
Some of us use DJI products for work and to make money, so the longer we wait the more money we lose.
Yes I have tried ALL of the Beta software releases and still the drone is unstable and videos look VERY unprofessional and cannot be used.

Anyone whom is in the same situation please reply.
DJI really need to get there act together. Fobbing us off all the time isnt professional at all.
We have all paid good money for a product the is not doing the job it is described or advertised to do, therefore based on Comsumer rights, should be fixed.

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Flight distance : 79957 ft
United Kingdom

Have reverted to old firmware ages ago via third party program after it screwed up my P4  and doubt I will even upgrade if and when it comes out,  use litchi as control app same functionality with better waypoint programming.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 17789222 ft
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I'm sure they workk all the time to get things better, so personally I pefer to wait. By the way I'm using latest beta firmware 2.00.600 and do very good job, so why don't to try it? I think many customers use it too and they can do good job, also feedback is good at all for that beta
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DJI Susan

We're sorry for the situation. Just to verify, you have updated to the latest 600 beta firmware, but the drone still unstable, right? If yes, please help us export the flight logs for further analysis. Thanks for your cooperation. And we appreciate your time and understanding.

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Flight distance : 79957 ft
United Kingdom

Vendex Posted at 2017-11-15 02:41
I'm sure they workk all the time to get things better, so personally I pefer to wait. By the way I'm using latest beta firmware 2.00.600 and do very good job, so why don't to try it? I think many customers use it too and they can do good job, also feedback is good at all for that beta

last time I upgraded my P4 was so unstable and when in sport mode it flipped upside down and crashed luckily into some bushes just missing a waterfilled ditch so only minor damage so will not take that risk again.Could not have been happier with how it flew prior to upgrade.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 17789222 ft
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usarfireman Posted at 2017-11-15 02:49
last time I upgraded my P4 was so unstable and when in sport mode it flipped upside down and crashed luckily into some bushes just missing a waterfilled ditch so only minor damage so will not take that risk again.Could not have been happier with how it flew prior to upgrade.

Be sure to calibrate IMU, other than that are you sure the wind wasn't too higher when the accident happened?
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Flight distance : 79957 ft
United Kingdom

Not being funny but I do every check before a flight, never had a problem prior to update and no problem since downgrading, I had my P4 for over a year and flown in every dry condition from still day to extremely windy never a problem , the problem was not me or weather  just a crap firmware release that should never have been released
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United States

yep, in the same boat. going to rollback via third party. DJI dropped the ball on this one!
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-11-15 02:47
We're sorry for the situation. Just to verify, you have updated to the latest 600 beta firmware, but the drone still unstable, right? If yes, please help us export the flight logs for further analysis. Thanks for your cooperation. And we appreciate your time and understanding.

Please ask your CEO to comment on this situation. How did this firmware make it to release in the first place? Why did you remove the official ability to downgrade the firmware and why didn't you restore that ability given how serious the problems were with the released firmware? Why has it taken five months thus far to fix the firmware problem? What will DJI do for its customers that it has left without working drones for so long? Why should we ever buy another DJI drone again?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 17789222 ft
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Feedback is needed to DJI for analysis. It's not easy to create a drone who fly without any problems in any conditions, at any place, anywhere. Give info back to receive good products and firmware, that's my personal point. I also go trough some critical moments with mine and want to thank DJI for the support! Now I fly with my drone almost every day, thank you.
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Flight distance : 474173 ft
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DJI spoiled everything with this new firmware. P4 can not work with the current firmware or the Beta 600 version. It seems impossible for a firm like DJI to have made a firmware with so many errors and problems and it takes so long to fix. It was better to replace the old version, which worked well. I am disappointed with DJI, at this moment I am looking for other solutions in the market other than DJI.
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Flight distance : 44068 ft
United States

Man, After reading all this, It makes me glad that my unit wont upgrade... Good thing.. Sorry for everyone else
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 595577 ft
United Kingdom

Yes in exactly the the same boat here.  No wait i'm in a worse boat.  I'll explain why i am fuming.  I have not flown my P4 since 1st September 2017 after having my own problems and listening to other firmware related issues in forums.  I have been watching this forum every day since then desperately awaiting news of a firmware fix.

INSULT TO INJURY:  Feeling I might lose practice, I got out my old P4 Vision 2+ which I had not used since July 2016.  Tested it at home before going out for a flight and @*@X) heck its got a problem brought about by an app upgrade.  No Video on the ipad/smartphone  (This fault is very well documented in this and other forums)  There are web pages dedicated to carrying out a complex fix.

No I haven't installed the beta, as installing beta software means you accept responsibility.  That's why its beta and not release v.02 etc.

DJI's moral Fabric must be called into question here.  There are an awful lot of users out there with  these problems.  DJI should bite the bullet and get them sorted at DJI's expense.  DJI are worth appx $10 billion dollars !!!!   Your top of the class at the moment thro great products.  Your customer service department needs to be as innovative as your design department.

DJI please don't ask me if i have calibrated my IMU or compass or any thing similar.  YOU KNOW THESE PROBLEMS EXIST.  First admit it, then sort it.  
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Visual Air
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2710115 ft
  • >>>

FredAstra Posted at 2017-11-18 12:34
Yes in exactly the the same boat here.  No wait i'm in a worse boat.  I'll explain why i am fuming.  I have not flown my P4 since 1st September 2017 after having my own problems and listening to other firmware related issues in forums.  I have been watching this forum every day since then desperately awaiting news of a firmware fix.

INSULT TO INJURY:  Feeling I might lose practice, I got out my old P4 Vision 2+ which I had not used since July 2016.  Tested it at home before going out for a flight and @*@X) heck its got a problem brought about by an app upgrade.  No Video on the ipad/smartphone  (This fault is very well documented in this and other forums)  There are web pages dedicated to carrying out a complex fix.

Your P2 Vision was purposly sabotaged by DJI themselves they did this to force you to upgrade, this is no joke and well documented everywhere and now you are also experiencing the same with the standard P4 DJI again have forced crappy software in an effort to convince you to upgrade again.
Its a dirty marketing ploy.
Really sad as it will likely happen with the Mavic pro at some point once new models are available.
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Flight distance : 298875 ft

Seems a bit strange that I have all the updated versions and my P4 is operating like it should.
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fansfb11ee43 Posted at 2017-11-18 18:06
Seems a bit strange that I have all the updated versions and my P4 is operating like it should.

The buggy firmware seems to only effect early models...when did you get your P4?
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Flight distance : 11965 ft

PowerBand1 Posted at 2017-11-19 00:26
The buggy firmware seems to only effect early models...when did you get your P4?

I bought a DJI drone, it was an experience, it will be the last. Only a loss of money. This drone flew 7 months, and has been immobilized for 5 months. It's dishonest
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Flight distance : 2110 ft
United Kingdom

Mines acting very strange since i updated firmware. I'm too scared to fly it. Somebody send me files for old stable version please so i can get flying again.
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Flight distance : 298875 ft

PowerBand1 Posted at 2017-11-19 00:26
The buggy firmware seems to only effect early models...when did you get your P4?

OK I got mine early this year, yeah it must be a problem for the earlier models, I thought it may have been the devices they were using with the GO 4 app.  I was having problems a couple of months ago with a couple of things using an Ipad mini 4, the issues were pasted onto the DJI techs and it was all fixed with the last updates.
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Flight distance : 199662 ft

PowerBand1 Posted at 2017-11-19 00:26
The buggy firmware seems to only effect early models...when did you get your P4?

I purchased my P4 June this year (2017) so not an early model at all.

On a side note I met someone the other day that owes a real estate company and he bought all his 11 reps a P4 and DJI Osmo in April this year and non of the P4 are working correctly either. (They are obviously not the earlier models either)
Apparently he is speaking to his lawyer about what they can do as he is losing thousands of $$ a day as reps are unable to use the footage they are trying to obtain as their P4's are so unstable.
Apparently he knows someone in the media but wants to speak to his layer first on what steps he needs to take. He said he would let me know how he goes..
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Dexcellent Posted at 2017-11-19 22:36
I purchased my P4 June this year (2017) so not an early model at all.

On a side note I met someone the other day that owes a real estate company and he bought all his 11 reps a P4 and DJI Osmo in April this year and non of the P4 are working correctly either. (They are obviously not the earlier models either)

Have you checked when it was produced, you can do that via the serial number, don't have the link at hand.

I bought my P4P in June too, it has been hit by same symptoms as P4 later got hit by and i have found out it was produced early dec. 2016 so even i bought it in June not quite new assembly.
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Flight distance : 199662 ft

Thanks for the info on that.
Do you know what the issue is with the earlier versions compared to the later versions?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Dexcellent Posted at 2017-11-21 00:10
Thanks for the info on that.
Do you know what the issue is with the earlier versions compared to the later versions?

unfortunately no, most plausible explanation is that some batch of components differ somehow and react different to some of the limitations DJI is pushing on us.

Found the link to the serial decoder page but it seem to be just a little to late, maybe this link can be of help if you want to try tracking the production date of your unit. As far i can figure out you take digit 5-7 from serial and look up in the list.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

KedDK Posted at 2017-11-21 01:38
unfortunately no, most plausible explanation is that some batch of components differ somehow and react different to some of the limitations DJI is pushing on us.

Found the link to the serial decoder page but it seem to be just a little to late, maybe this link can be of help if you want to try tracking the production date of your unit. As far i can figure out you take digit 5-7 from serial and look up in the list.

"most plausible explanation is that some batch of components differ somehow and react different"
But now i really get in doubt, just noticed this new post and that problem was among some of the issues i got after the P4P June update to 01.04.0602.
This report on a quite new sub-model making me again think it could be the Geo/NFZ thing taking up too many resources to always keep the crafts steady as before.
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Flight distance : 199662 ft

All this talk with everyone asking for a copy of the Beta software and in most cases when people install it (including myself), it still doesnt work.
Cant people see that by asking for the Beta software you are just giving DJI permission to keep on stalling the release of the updated software to combat all of our problems.
DJI !!! We want a new release software that works ASAP.
I've just come back from a shoot I have done for a large business that I have postponed for 3 months due to issues with Phantom 4, and thought I had all the issues ironed out. BUT NO. The footage is all jumpy as though it like my PC cant handle the video (Which is not and never has been the case)
DJI has just lost me a $3,800 job as I wont be able to user any of the footage. I had to use my DJI Osmo for some of the footage which is no where enough footage to complete the job.
Thanks DJI. If this was any other company they would have sorted this out months ago.
Not happy!!!!
I think everyone should demand a new software release and stop asking for a beta version that doesnt work....
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