Flight distance : 5922034 ft
Where did I get the 4.1.18?
Last Version I new, remember to install/updated the 4.1.10 to, that was the 4.1.14
Just checked, there is an update on google.
How the heck got this update on my phone without my attention?
I won't install that version again!
Never ever!
Must be somehow autoupdated "over night", because:
Yesterday I flew fine, same drone, same phone (OP5)!
Today, however, I started my drone, had it in the air and had neither via OTG, nor via wifi to RC, the bottom or the top info
Better I show pictures: no sats, no 5.8 G connection (my wifi WAS 2.4 to RC, so........), no batt stats, .....
Aside the ready to go / no GPS, atti / not connected area: nothing shown
And I think it is obvious, that I am higher as 0.0m
But everything else did work.
Flight modes (I tried trypod, only) , sport, Video, Cam, panos, everything.
Also the batt time shown.
I even had my limits, meaning max height, the nice "lady in the app" (I like that) reminded me, told me GPS homepoint.
I even could change the max height during the flight. Only did not know, before "the lady spoke" and the bird was back in my hand, which altitude it was occupying.
Of course, I had today double checked, that there is LOS and no tree higher as my bird, the hill tops not to close.
And: The Start button offered still "start", even after started this way already!
Landing only possible via left stick down.
But: letting it hang over ground a bit, "you wanna land, slide ...."
Ok, I tried it 4 Batteries, different locations, restarting phone between, doing Panos, Spheres, videos.
Even fighted an Eagle who was very interested in that little noisy thing, that did hang in the air with almost no moves for a minute .
Had rapidly jump to sport, in the middle of a Sphere, to make him reconsider by winking a bit in all directions.
(I wish, we could go +30° or 45° in normal or sport mode, if hovering, with the gimbal! Not only in "trypod" But I am getting distracted. ;-)
Coming home, I checked the OP5 on the other Spark.
Same result. Which is good, in this case. Nothing happened to my yesterday drone!
Havent used the "wobbler" for a week or so.
And checked with my Huawei Mediapad, DJI Go 4 - 4.1.15:
WTF, with OTG the same.
But Wifi worked.
Downloaded 4.1.14, installed on OP5, everything ok again.
Will try Mediapad next.
Is the 4_4.1.14-1027326 for phones and 4_4.1.14-2027326 for tabs?
Or what is the difference between 10.... and 20......?
So, DJI:
What is wrong with 4.1.18? On a OP5
And 4.1.15 on a Huawei Mediapad 3?
Accident or you are trying to switch off the OTG?
Just asking.