Second Officer
Flight distance : 1848182 ft
United States
Locoman Posted at 2017-11-22 00:51
Ok I took it, past it, noticed you can't put in a wrong answer, I tried and it wouldn't let me go to the next question until I checked the correct answer. Don't know if completing the quiz effects flying restrictions because I did not fly last night after taking the quiz. I took it in the house where it was warm. Also don't know if it will ask me to take it again once I try to fly tomorrow.
Also, I woke up this morning wondering if it was because of something I wrote on the forum, that DJI decided to add the quiz to the startup menu. A while back, in a discussion about stupid flyers, doing stupid things, basically not flying safe. The discussion was during the time someone was flying around an airport and cause it to be shut down and when someone hit a helicopter and someone else was flying over a crowd of people, and when a kid was fly over a crowded beach with his parents sitting right next to him. I think some of you might remember that discussion. Anyway, during that discussion I wrote that we all should have to take some training and pass a basic test before we fly, just like any of us that drive a car or motor cycle who uses public roads. I don't care if someone flew over their own property and crashed and hurt themselves or their property, but when flying over other's property or public property they should know the rules of etiquette and safe flying. At the time, I did not know how such a procedure could be accomplished, but it appears that DJI did...
Why would they not use a message box with some "best practices" copy as the app loads like they do for Fixed Wing? Example: My 2016 Jeep has a message comes up on the screen every time you start it with a quick reminder about how dangerous it is to mess with the screen while driving. There is an "Accept" button, but you do not need to click it. Simply start driving, the message goes away after 30 seconds or so.
It's not that i think the information is not worth knowing, it's the way it is presented, and basically hobbling MY drone if i choose not to take their test kinda irks me. Besides, when you get your FAA registration number, you have already agreed that you have read and understand the basic safety concepts of UAS flight.
Does anyone know if this is a Go4 thing, or is it in Litchi also? |