 Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft
Oh I can mate, rest assured on that.
I've been in roles like his before and it's a tough gig.
What is needed is representation from a DJI product manager or someone from the design team.
Ed is a tech support guy, loneliest job on the planet when things go sour with a product and the punters are unhappy!
Happens all the time. Sales and Marketing hype up the gear to get the lust level up and units moving off the shelves, their advertising bearing little resemblance to what was engineered by the design team and built by the production guys.
That leaves Support to sort out the mess and deal with unhappy customers. It's at this stage that the marketing/sales people disappear into the distance, never to be seen again!
When a tech fix is needed, the 'B' team get the job of coming up with the solution, usually with no involvement from the original design guys or documentation. We get delays and cost starts to shoot up. At some point along this line someone in Management starts to feel the pain and 'knee jerk' reactions are made.
Over time, things settle down. The product faults and issues slowly fade away and the customer is left with a subset of functionality that the Sales guys promised at the start.
During the process however, the Support guys feel the sharp end and themselves have 0% support from the company.
The best way for you to get the message to DJI is to return your I1 to the dealer or agent under your consumer rights as it is not fit for the advertised purpose.
When enough people have done this, the Distributors will start to scream at those in DJI who have accountability for sales numbers. Mark my words, that will get them listening! |