Flight distance : 23468 ft
rxdeath Posted at 2017-11-23 22:07
yes this is very disturbing because its a prelude to them forcing us to send another 600$ overseas. also i doubt 'elektra' is the same person everytime, that's why they don't use their own names or anything that makes them accountable as an individual -- again typical overseas customer service practices. that's also why its cookie cutter responses because its likely not the same person everytime, just another drone commanded to tell us to take the black box data and otg isn't supported, but our new 600$ option will be great.
as a programmer myself, i highly, highly doubt this wasn't intentional, there's no reason they should have to mess with that portion of the program to integrate the new features they put in the change log, in fact, i believe they would have to specifically do something to stop this data over otg but not wifi. my belief is that it was 100% deliberate and them warming up the bus to force us into shipping them more of our money.
First, comparing IOS with Android, it's like comparing ..apples with pears.
As a programmer, you should know that the Android ecosystem is much much fragmented that on IOS, compared to couple of IOS own manufactured devices, on Android there are hundreds of flavors, OS versions and so on...So developing an Android app that is compatible with all the devices is very hard, maybe quite impossible. I bet this is one of the reasons why DJI says OTG is not officially supported, if it would say otherwise then on each problem people would say "hey DJI why are you lie, you say OTG works, but look, it doesn't work on my XYZ phone!".
So I think isn't quite fair to relate on comparing IOS to Android on what works and what doesn't work.
Also, what do you mean with typical "overseas customer service practices"? Overseas, like in Europe, or just overseas? |