Mark Guille
 Second Officer
Flight distance : 2290810 ft
DS924 Posted at 2017-11-24 07:50
I should think it would be easier to read the manual than to start adding buttons for functions that already exist and are readily accessible. Failing to do that could be "really dangerous," "irresponsible," and might make you "liable." If the product fails to respond as indicated in the manual that is another matter. So far, every issue I thought I was having has turned out to be a failure on my part - nothing that a little homework (or suggestion from someone on this forum) didn't clear up.
My compliments to you, Mark. I've learned a lot just from reading your responses elsewhere on this forum.
Thank you, Sir,
After reading some of my replies on this forum of late, I see a shortness on my behalf that could be mistaken for surliness, this is not intended and my apologies to anyone that has been offended by my comments. I do however find myself tiring of the constant DJI bashing/blaming from people who fail to educate themselves on how to operate their new equipment. You have purchased a sophisticated piece of technology which, although DJI has strived to make as user-friendly as possible, still remains, as yet, not foolproof and as such should be operated with a certain amount of caution. Anyone with any RC background will tell you that if you failed to educate yourself on the operations, limits, controls etc. of your machine then would lose/damage it or hurt somebody/yourself, there was no one else to blame. In the past couple years, "drones" have become so mainstream that, with the ideology of, "it can fly itself", it has sensors so "it can't crash" and it can "fly itself back!", the skill/knowledge requirement has been so far overlooked that even the first couple pages of the manual have been deemed unnecessary and the notion of, "if I mess up, it is, therefore, someone else's fault and I shall be posting a derogatory post about this" has taken its place.
Anyhoo, that's my gripe over for today and as I said, if I have caused any offense, then my apologies and happy (safe) flights to you all.
Mark G. |