Took a Swim
1515 29 2017-11-24
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

A few days ago I made a mistake and my P3P ended up in a pond. It was submerged for a couple of days before I could locate it. I removed the battery before it had swollen too much to remove and rinsed the rest of the AC with clean water. Any recommendations for the next move trying to test and revive it? I didn't have DJI care on it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Probably a goner. sorry to say.  Water is a drone killer.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

You can try submerging it in rice for couple of days maybe longer.  Search google or youtube.

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United Kingdom

I would not worry about it
The way things are going we won't be able to fly our drones anyway
with a new rule for this and a new rule / law for that
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If you want to try and recover it, rinse it out in clean water, preferably distilled water, then blow dry is as best you can using a hair dryer on cool (no heat). Folowing that, leave it to air dry for 2 weeks. Youy can put it in rice if you wish. Then try to power it up with a new battery. The old battery should be thrown away.
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Flight distance : 16581 ft
United States

yea i would do as geebax says,besides if a little rice and time saves your drone thats great.please let us know the results.
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Flight distance : 7779 ft
United States

Submerged for a couple days? ....Wow, carefully take it apart and let it air dry, preferably with a fan. The camera is probably toast but the motors might come out OK. If it were salt water you'd be completely screwed.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-11-24 13:19
If you want to try and recover it, rinse it out in clean water, preferably distilled water, then blow dry is as best you can using a hair dryer on cool (no heat). Folowing that, leave it to air dry for 2 weeks. Youy can put it in rice if you wish. Then try to power it up with a new battery. The old battery should be thrown away.

I agree with Geebax.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 503241 ft


Water isn't necessarily a killer for electronics.  Circuit boards are routinely washed in manufacture to remove flux and construction debris.   Same as for a phone, devices dropped in water are salvageable if you get to them quickly and remove the power.  The cleanliness of the water is also important -- salt water and dissolved solids lead to accelerated corrosion.  Salt water will start destroying components and tracks on their own and is almost impossible to remove -- microscopic salt deposits will continue destroying electronics regardless of how quickly you retrieve it or how thoroughly you wash it.   "Dirty" unsalted water will enable electric current still present in the battery to make a path and complete the circuit.  The result is electrolysis and once again, components and tracks break down.  Pure water will not conduct electricity.  The quicker you get it out of the water and remove the power, the better your chances of recovery.  If you submerge the device in pure clean water to remove contaminants, then dry it thoroughly, you may have a good chance of recovery.  Depending on how long it was submerged and how powerful the battery is will influence your chances of successful recovery.   In your case the battery is capable of high current discharge and was left "in-circuit" for days, potentially causing heavy electrolysis.  The dirtier the water, the less chance you will have.   Batteries are unsalvageable once dunked, and it would be dangerous to continue to use them.  Some components may not survive being submerged, e.g. barometer or and speakers/buzzers/beepers.  These will have a label sealing the delicate parts from washing damage, but removed during manufacture.  In operation, there is nothing stopping water getting in to the delicate exposed parts.

Regardless of all of this, you have recovered the aircraft, you have nothing to lose, start salvaging as much as you can as quickly as you can.  Good luck!
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Thanks for the ideas. It was under about 3 feet of water for around 36 hours. It was fresh water, not saltwater, but it was dirty. I have quite a challenge ahead.
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M.C. Pilot
Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

Looks shot.
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Here is an update on my P3P: After retrieving the AC I rinsed it in clean water then proceeded to disassemble it. As I did I used low pressure air and electronics spray cleaner to remove water. I also left it open to air dry for a couple of days. I disassembled the camera, VPS, GPS (underneath the metal shielding it was still very wet), etc.. A few minutes ago I decided it was time to power up with my undamaged battery. Surprisingly the AC started normally, camera and gimbal functioned properly, micro sd card recorded and played back video and photo, compass and gyro worked. When I tried to start the motors I received “ESC status error. Restart motors. . .” Any ideas on the next move? I hate to give up this close to success.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Sounds like a bad board.  Hard t o believe ya got that far.  Sometimes water damage shows up later..
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United Kingdom

or esc fried check with a magnifying glass the little mosfet chips on the edge of the board see if they have cracked or burnt out. If they have then it's a new board needed

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United Kingdom

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Flight distance : 5650 ft
United States

Bummer Trailblazer! I flew my P3A down a beach to video coming back at me. At a distance I clipped an unseen tree branch, tumbled down a rock wall and into the lake. I thought about running down the beach to retrieve, but jumped in my boat and raced over. The drone was in about 12 inches of glacier water for a good 5 minutes. I quickly removed the battery and slung the drone around for 10 minutes to try and remove as much water as possible, as quickly as possible. Once I got home I placed the drone and battery in front of a monitor heater/fan for 2 days. I was a nervous wreck, but plugged in the battery and big sigh of relief when it started charging. An even bigger nervous wreck when I fired up the drone. Amazingly it fired up normally and everything worked! It has a couple scars from the rock wall but still works great. No water in the camera lens or anything! My most recent shot after it took a bath:

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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

I visible damage.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Rance Posted at 2017-11-27 23:33
Bummer Trailblazer! I flew my P3A down a beach to video coming back at me. At a distance I clipped an unseen tree branch, tumbled down a rock wall and into the lake. I thought about running down the beach to retrieve, but jumped in my boat and raced over. The drone was in about 12 inches of glacier water for a good 5 minutes. I quickly removed the battery and slung the drone around for 10 minutes to try and remove as much water as possible, as quickly as possible. Once I got home I placed the drone and battery in front of a monitor heater/fan for 2 days. I was a nervous wreck, but plugged in the battery and big sigh of relief when it started charging. An even bigger nervous wreck when I fired up the drone. Amazingly it fired up normally and everything worked! It has a couple scars from the rock wall but still works great. No water in the camera lens or anything! My most recent shot after it took a bath:


What these aircraft can withstand is truly amazing. Nobody should give up after a submersion without trying a thorough drying process.
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United Kingdom

have you tried a firmware re-install and a full imu calibration ect
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

I just now sent it to the DJI repair center. I will let you know how it turns out.
By the way, is there any trade-in value for P3P if repair costs are too high? I have been considering a Mavic Pro Platinum. Collision avoidance would have prevented this incident and I also admire it’s portability.
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United Kingdom

you could always ask them
i worry about all the regulations on our hobby
see my thread is it worth keeping the drones

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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

RE: Took a Swim

edifier Posted at 2017-11-28 13:21
have you tried a firmware re-install and a full imu calibration ect

I did do an IMU check and it passed with no calibration required. I considered a firmware update but was afraid it might introduce other troubles and complicate the matter.
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Flight distance : 16581 ft
United States

Rance Posted at 2017-11-27 23:33
Bummer Trailblazer! I flew my P3A down a beach to video coming back at me. At a distance I clipped an unseen tree branch, tumbled down a rock wall and into the lake. I thought about running down the beach to retrieve, but jumped in my boat and raced over. The drone was in about 12 inches of glacier water for a good 5 minutes. I quickly removed the battery and slung the drone around for 10 minutes to try and remove as much water as possible, as quickly as possible. Once I got home I placed the drone and battery in front of a monitor heater/fan for 2 days. I was a nervous wreck, but plugged in the battery and big sigh of relief when it started charging. An even bigger nervous wreck when I fired up the drone. Amazingly it fired up normally and everything worked! It has a couple scars from the rock wall but still works great. No water in the camera lens or anything! My most recent shot after it took a bath:


good job Rance.saved you a few bucks.ha ha.
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Unfortunately the report back from the DJI repair center was not good. They provided a quote of $698 USD. I knew the camera and gimbal were good prior to sending it in so I assume this is for a refurbished replacement and not a repair. I found a refurbished one listed on Amazon for $699 so I instructed them to return mine untouched. If I decide to get another P3P I would rather buy it outright and still have my old one for spare parts and have a second battery, charger, remote controller, microSD card, props, etc. I am disappointed they didn’t try to repair it though.
Now I have to decide on another P3P, a Mavic Pro Platinum, or possibly a P4P. For the moment I am still grounded.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Sorry this happened to ya.  Good luck with your next!
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Flight distance : 23 ft

United Kingdom

needs cleaning with 100% isopropyl alcohol this will clean and get rid of any water in places you cant get to.this is how i repair mobile phones
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Latest update: Finally received it back from DJI after 9 weeks unrepaired as requested. I will now take it to a local (2 1/2 Hours) store for repair once they receive a main circuit board. Hopefully it will be back in the air by months end.
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Flight distance : 6142 ft
United Kingdom

Based on the fact it still had power on said aircraft when came in contact with the water I would assume it's beyond economical repair (water is a conductor so I would assume the circuit board is toast) and even if by chance you manages to get the motors spinning, I wouldn't trust it without a full diagnostic report.
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Chris_A Posted at 2018-2-8 06:37
Based on the fact it still had power on said aircraft when came in contact with the water I would assume it's beyond economical repair (water is a conductor so I would assume the circuit board is toast) and even if by chance you manages to get the motors spinning, I wouldn't trust it without a full diagnostic report.

I am hoping the main board suffered from thermal stress when it hit the water rather than a short circuit. The high current loads, and the most heat generated, are from the motor circuits and battery. The battery is a goner but the camera, gimbal, GPS, IMU, compass all work fine surprisingly. If I get it going again the first few flights will be about head high or less.
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Flight distance : 1821880 ft
United States

Chris_A Posted at 2018-2-8 06:37
Based on the fact it still had power on said aircraft when came in contact with the water I would assume it's beyond economical repair (water is a conductor so I would assume the circuit board is toast) and even if by chance you manages to get the motors spinning, I wouldn't trust it without a full diagnostic report.

I am hoping the main board suffered from thermal stress when it hit the water rather than a short circuit. The high current loads, and the most heat generated, are from the motor circuits and battery. The battery is a goner but the camera, gimbal, GPS, IMU, compass all work fine surprisingly. If I get it going again the first few flights will be about head high or less.
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