 Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom
The practical test is achieveavle by anyone with reasonable skill. However, you need hours of practice to feel comfortable about it, and of course much of that should be in ATTI mode in case you are asked, as you will be, to perform any of the manouvers in ATTI.
But along with all the practice you will need to be equipped with many other things too. Not least of these is the Ops Manual. Mione took me nearly a week to write going at it almost full time. Even then it was rejected twice by the CAA before acceptance. To give you a guide mine is 48 pages, and really needs more adding. Also on the list are the crowd control measures, tape and stakes to keep people at a safe distance. You may not need them but you need to show they are there. You will also need ID badges, yellow vests, check lists, good record keeping, risk assessments, NOTAM access, weather forecast and current weather data, client questionnaire, any necessary maps, site surveys etc.
You havent't got flying yet and for that you will need lots of spare batteries, checklists for your aircraft, perhaps signage to say that aircraft are about, possibly a spare controller and drone (in case yours does not want to work). and lots of other belt and braces things, spare glasses for example.
When you do actually get in the air you need to be confident that you can control your aircraft safely and as asked, without worrying about checking around you for other incursions like dogs, people, cars and other aircraft. Thus a spotter is really great to have too. Thinking about a larger car at this point perhaps?
Feel frre to PM me if you want and I will do my best to help. |