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UK Drone users to sit safety tests
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Flight distance : 174 ft

United Kingdom

Another nail in the coffin for users of drones.
I watched the BBC breakfast news and it was the headline story. They had Christian Scheel Struwe on from DJI Europe

BBC News Headlines
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First Officer
Flight distance : 972454 ft
United Kingdom

Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought DJI drones already had a hard limit near airports with the geofencing.

At this rate we will soon be limited to 50ft in any direction.
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Flight distance : 174 ft

United Kingdom

AlanHd Posted at 2017-11-26 00:22
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought DJI drones already had a hard limit near airports with the geofencing.

At this rate we will soon be limited to 50ft in any direction.

I thought it was just a warning as in advice. I may be wrong too.

I live very close to East Midlands Airport, about a 15 mile drive but 8 miles as the crow flies.
I live in the landing and take off flight path and all I get is a warning. I won't say how high I have climbed to but no restrictions occurred.
My friend who lives in Castle Donington, 900 metres away from the airports perimeter fence, doesn't  have any restrictions either.
He's flown his in his back yard and on the local supermarket carpark, not to great heights though.
I use,-3.2/8 and to check area's

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First Officer
Flight distance : 972454 ft
United Kingdom

NGF Posted at 2017-11-26 00:52
I thought it was just a warning as in advice. I may be wrong too.

I live very close to East Midlands Airport, about a 15 mile drive but 8 miles as the crow flies.

I spend time next to an RAF base and it is geofencenced, the drone hits a brick wall and won’t go any further in the inner ring, it is just a warning on the outer area.

I still need to find out why the geofence area is different for my phantom 3 and phantom 4 but I couldn’t get there this wkend due to flooding.
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Flight distance : 434593 ft

If you are following the drone code then I see no difference in what is being proposed other than you will have to prove that you understand it by taking the test, unless I am missing something?
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Flight distance : 174 ft

United Kingdom

fans417abfbd Posted at 2017-11-26 01:25
If you are following the drone code then I see no difference in what is being proposed other than you will have to prove that you understand it by taking the test, unless I am missing something?

This is true but there are users that will push code to get their ultimate shot.

As a user, my sole intention for the device was the camera.
I have no interest as using the drone other than a camera.
Photography is my hobby and I sometimes break the code to get the shot(s) I want. Not endangering anyone or anything. Like my shot of the Cathedral, it is a built up city centre to which my understanding is; A no go zone. That is why I chose to head out at 7am on a Sunday morning. I did take, and will always take the safety of others first.
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Flight distance : 434593 ft

NGF Posted at 2017-11-26 01:34
This is true but there are users that will push code to get their ultimate shot.

As a user, my sole intention for the device was the camera.

Photography is my sole purpose too. Most shots can be taken within the restrictions of the drone code but I admit there are times when you may have to exceed the limitations to get the shot you want.
This can be done safely if people use common sense but since common sense is often lacking this is why we end up with rules and regulations.
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Dale 68
First Officer
Flight distance : 439915 ft
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United Kingdom

I make sure I'm up and about early hoping no ones about where I'm thinking of flying, even if it's a castle ruins on a remote hill in Wales ( see videos ) but Iv'e found so far if someone is about they are fascinated with my Phantom and I give them demo, I recently had a young lady ask me if she could take a picture of it hovering. Its just a shame idiots are  out there
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First Officer
Flight distance : 972454 ft
United Kingdom

I don’t mind taking the safety test but what I don’t want is them crippling the drones by bringing in mandatory distance restrictions. There Are times when visual line of site is not enough, especially when I’m flying over water.
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Delta Nine
United Kingdom

The authorities can't  even police the public roads here in the UK.

It's like the wild west out on the streets.

Five got killed in stolen car last night in Leeds. A policeman mowed down by a van last night in Liverpool.

But hey ho...... lets annihilate the killer drones.

Muppets !!!!!
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Flight distance : 434593 ft

Delta Nine Posted at 2017-11-26 02:49
The authorities can't  even police the public roads here in the UK.

It's like the wild west out on the streets.

But you can bet your bottom dollar that if if someone reports you the boys in blue will come knocking on your door
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

fans417abfbd Posted at 2017-11-26 03:00
But you can bet your bottom dollar that if if someone reports you the boys in blue will come knocking on your door

"The government hopes to harness new drone technology which could see them used on oil rigs, in construction, for organ transport and parcel deliveries."

Are you kidding me !!!! I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a heart transplant trusting DJI's system !
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

At the  oment the idea is out to consultation, with whom they dont say, before legislation is put forward in  the spring time. So what with their long holdays, Brexit, general dis interest from out law makers it may well be this time next year before anything is put into place. Let us hope it has been fully thought through so it does not damage the industry and of course its users. Looking at the article ... nsafe-use-of-drones, it seems that they are looking at commerical use of drones for all sorts or pie eyed ideas, in cities too. Delivering organs for transplant for example. But as Delta Nine points out will the boys in blue be able to cope. They will only come out around here for dire emergencies, and then only if its not raining, they cannot control the miscreant on the road let alone drones, but perhaps drones may be any easier target to make money out of.
The test will also be interesting. I doubt if will be any where near the PfCO standard that I have had to undertake so how in depth and valuable will it actually be? A start yes, but it should be a good start done correctly. No mention is made of insurance at all.
I do note that the announcement was made just before Christmas when people may well be buying these devices. i wonder if it is a pure co incidence or are they hoping to reduce sales of them?
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Flight distance : 174 ft

United Kingdom

Very interesting comments by all of you.
I too have no problem sitting a test. Those with an ounce of common sense need not worry and if I get a safety certificate from it, I will be more than happy. As long as it doesn't get expensive. An example of cost should be that of a CIS certificate which is around £25. Anymore than that then I am afraid they can pee off.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

I passed my PfCO  requirements some weeks ago. Still waiting on my certificate which cost well over £150, as apparently it is a minimum 28 day wait to get it from the CAA. Let us hope that the new system will be a bit quicker. It should be as it seems the greater the cost of these things the onger the wait so they can justify the monet they charge.
I wonder if PfCO users will be exempt?
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Flight distance : 378478 ft

QuadKid Posted at 2017-11-26 03:20
"The government hopes to harness new drone technology which could see them used on oil rigs, in construction, for organ transport and parcel deliveries."

Are you kidding me !!!! I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a heart transplant trusting DJI's system !

They are used already on the North Sea oil platforms already.

Cyberhawk has found a nice wee niche in the inspection business.

I've no qualms about a safety test.  Making more people aware of the safety issues is not bad thing.  Bringing in more crippling restrictions, is.  All because of idiots who want to fly their drone to the max - and complain when they can't fly more than a mile.

VLOS isn't just some made up rule - there is usually a very good reason for bring in rules like that.

People tend to forget that aircraft aren't made from bricks.  I know first hand - as an ex-aircraft engineer - having to replace a whole tailplane due to a birdstrike.

Drones - flown irresponsibly are a very high risk to aircraft on approach or taking off.

Look at this way - what would happen to drones if some feckless idiot was to get his drone injested into a Boeing 777 taking off from Heathrow?  Loss of power at a critical phase of the flight?  Stall?  Crash?  Lives lost?

Sad thing is, as has already been mentioned - we don't have the police to enforce any rules that may come in.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
  • >>>

AlanHd Posted at 2017-11-26 01:57
I don’t mind taking the safety test but what I don’t want is them crippling the drones by bringing in mandatory distance restrictions. There Are times when visual line of site is not enough, especially when I’m flying over water.

I believe we will see mandatory flight restrictions for novice pilots until they reach a certain trained standard in the future, I don’t believe it will curtail those who sit exams and tests. I think we will be all aware of the regulations before we buy , so it won’t be an attack on our consumer rights and in the end it will give more freedom to fly for those certified and I believe this will be good for all enthusiasts.
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

I'm all for it, been expecting this for a while. The problem is the idiots who are currently flaunting the guide lines will continue to flaunt the law. As a poster has already said the Police cant Police due to reduction in numbers. They only respond after an which time said crims have gone.
Again its the few who spoil it for the many, and they will continue to do so.
DJI are trying to keep ahead with Geofencing etc, but again it creates problems for those who want to fly legally,
Those that want to break the law will always find ways to break the law, those that want to and do act within the rules and law will continue to do so, but with more and more restrictions and cost.
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Flight distance : 1232356 ft
United Kingdom

I am a new user and a bit bemused by this.  I have only had the toy / under 250g in the past and am getting to grips with the P3S.  Of course before my first flight I read and digested all of the rules and actively use UAV forecast and Drone Assist.  I fly in a local nature reserve as far away from buildings people birds animals etc as I can possibly get, of course being a new pilot I am always within line of sight and less then 30 mt vertical and 50mt horizontal.  Of course I have no issue taking the test and proving that I know the rules.  Why is it now that I have the overwhelming feeling that if I do come across a dog walker they are all going to assume I am doing something illegal as this has been plastered all over the news.  The paranoia may actually outweigh the fun in the end.

Also how may aircraft are out there over 250g I assume they are going to have this registration / test online.  Getting all those owners into a physical classroom will be costly and considerably time consuming.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

NGF Posted at 2017-11-26 00:52
I thought it was just a warning as in advice. I may be wrong too.

I live very close to East Midlands Airport, about a 15 mile drive but 8 miles as the crow flies.

For most airports it will not fly over the runway, but beyond that you just get the warning.  It does make it possible to get into the flight path at the ends of the runway although you are unlikely to ever do it by accident unless you are well beyond the point where most aircraft are well above the drone's height limit.

If you really want to kill people it would be much easier to use a car!
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Flight distance : 528097 ft
United Kingdom

I was thinking of doing the course anyway but is there any point wit’s this coming?
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Flight distance : 434593 ft

Dpress Posted at 2017-11-28 06:09
I am a new user and a bit bemused by this.  I have only had the toy / under 250g in the past and am getting to grips with the P3S.  Of course before my first flight I read and digested all of the rules and actively use UAV forecast and Drone Assist.  I fly in a local nature reserve as far away from buildings people birds animals etc as I can possibly get, of course being a new pilot I am always within line of sight and less then 30 mt vertical and 50mt horizontal.  Of course I have no issue taking the test and proving that I know the rules.  Why is it now that I have the overwhelming feeling that if I do come across a dog walker they are all going to assume I am doing something illegal as this has been plastered all over the news.  The paranoia may actually outweigh the fun in the end.

Also how may aircraft are out there over 250g I assume they are going to have this registration / test online.  Getting all those owners into a physical classroom will be costly and considerably time consuming.

I may be wrong but somehow I envisage this being an online test/exam
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

As yet nothing has been decided, on what the extent of the test will be, how it will be undertaken, or how it will be policed. A friend of mine has been flying for a number of years, and this sort of thing has kept raising its head. All we can do is wait and see once all the pontificating has been finished.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

A few on here have admitted to breaking the rules, this is the very reason for this consultation and new laws to come and folks wonder why
I just hope they do not price it  too high
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Bashy Posted at 2017-11-29 02:07
A few on here have admitted to breaking the rules, this is the very reason for this consultation and new laws to come and folks wonder why
I just hope they do not price it  too high

I think that when the rules get's too strict, people will keep taken them to the limit, bending them and even break them even they have taken test's and getting licensed to fly.
Problem is that people doing really stupid things would keep doing it and properly never taking any test or license.

If you wan't to see what might come to you also, you can see the Dansih rules for flying outside buildup areas and take the free license test here.
Then if you should get lost and end up in Denmark you would be allowed flying outside buildup areas if just you have registered being drone owner in this form, the fee for registering is 15 Dkr (~ 2.02€ / 2.39us$ ).
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3617244 ft
  • >>>

Gobern-ments are using this from years : they can break the rules ... not us ...

"We have a new weapon, it is only inside the folder of our scientists, so to speak, which is so powerful that if it were used without control, it could eliminate all life on earth. It is a fantastic weapon "

    Nikita Khrushchev, speaking to the Presidium, in January 1960.

“Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy”
Sam Nunn Policy Forum
April 28, 1997 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
  • >>>

I believe the more trained as a drone pilot you are the easier and the more freedom pilots will have to fly their drones,
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

The proposed UK regulations are pretty much the same as those introduced in Germany a couple of months ago. The "knowledge certificate” took 15 minutes on my iPad late at night on the internet and was a complete farce. I had to get out of bed to print the certificate and the card and wipe the tears of laughter off my face. The registration involves a fireproof plaque with owners name and address, actually an advantage, if the ac gets lost there is a better chance of it been returned. Using a DJI drone helps and provides most of the rest of the requirements.

Reality, well, I find it great when I am flying and some do-gooder comes up and asks me if I should be doing what I am doing. He gets the card, the certificate a copy of the insurance to read and the telephone number of the local police, to use at his own risk. When my neighbor sent round the police to my house for spying on him, I could prove that the flight I made was entirely on my own property. The film also proved that neither he nor his wife (both over 80) were being used as underpaid extras in any pornographic productions. However, at the end of the day the police did issue a warning, but not to me.

When automobiles were first made, the regulations required a man with a red flag to walk in front of the vehicle to warn people of its presence. Times change, and there is a lot more traffic regulation as well, but thank heavens the man with the flag has gone. So be it and so is life.
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Flight distance : 174 ft

United Kingdom

Dockater Posted at 2017-11-29 11:54
The proposed UK regulations are pretty much the same as those introduced in Germany a couple of months ago. The "knowledge certificate” took 15 minutes on my iPad late at night on the internet and was a complete farce. I had to get out of bed to print the certificate and the card and wipe the tears of laughter off my face. The registration involves a fireproof plaque with owners name and address, actually an advantage, if the ac gets lost there is a better chance of it been returned. Using a DJI drone helps and provides most of the rest of the requirements.

Reality, well, I find it great when I am flying and some do-gooder comes up and asks me if I should be doing what I am doing. He gets the card, the certificate a copy of the insurance to read and the telephone number of the local police, to use at his own risk. When my neighbor sent round the police to my house for spying on him, I could prove that the flight I made was entirely on my own property. The film also proved that neither he nor his wife (both over 80) were being used as underpaid extras in any pornographic productions. However, at the end of the day the police did issue a warning, but not to me.

Brilliant. You brought laughter
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-11-29 11:16
I believe the more trained as a drone pilot you are the easier and the more freedom pilots will have to fly their drones,

I agrre with you wholeheartedly there. Much more needs to be said about training of pilots.
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Flight distance : 426375 ft
United States

embayweather Posted at 2017-11-26 04:35
I passed my PfCO  requirements some weeks ago. Still waiting on my certificate which cost well over £150, as apparently it is a minimum 28 day wait to get it from the CAA. Let us hope that the new system will be a bit quicker. It should be as it seems the greater the cost of these things the onger the wait so they can justify the monet they charge.
I wonder if PfCO users will be exempt?

Hey embayweather,

Here in the US we get a 120 day wait for the final OK to come down. I'm on day 50 and still in my holding pattern.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 972454 ft
United Kingdom

JamesWhenman Posted at 2017-12-2 05:45
Hey embayweather,

Here in the US we get a 120 day wait for the final OK to come down. I'm on day 50 and still in my holding pattern.

Have you got any advice re the practical test. I thinking about enrolling.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

NGF Posted at 2017-12-1 23:55
Brilliant. You brought laughter

That pleases me. It was intended. You should laugh at life, it is going to kill you someday whatever you do.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

JamesWhenman Posted at 2017-12-2 05:45
Hey embayweather,

Here in the US we get a 120 day wait for the final OK to come down. I'm on day 50 and still in my holding pattern.

120 days, is incredible and no where near defensible. If they were a retailer they would soon go out of business. Small short hairs come to mind here. Or is it they are staffed by redundant brewery party managers??
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

AlanHd Posted at 2017-12-2 06:32
Have you got any advice re the practical test. I thinking about enrolling.

The practical test is achieveavle by anyone with reasonable skill. However, you need hours of practice to feel comfortable about it, and of course much of that should be in ATTI mode in case you are asked, as you will be, to perform any of the manouvers in ATTI.
But along with all the practice you will need to be equipped with many other things too. Not least of these is the Ops Manual. Mione took me nearly a week to write going at it almost full time. Even then it was rejected twice by the CAA before acceptance. To give you a guide mine is 48 pages, and really needs more adding. Also on the list are the crowd control measures, tape and stakes to keep people at a safe distance. You may not need them but you need to show they are there. You will also need ID badges, yellow vests, check lists, good record keeping, risk assessments, NOTAM access, weather forecast and current weather data, client questionnaire, any necessary maps, site surveys etc.
You havent't got flying yet and for that you will need lots of spare batteries, checklists for your aircraft, perhaps signage to say that aircraft are about, possibly a spare controller and drone (in case yours does not want to work). and lots of other belt and braces things, spare glasses for example.
When you do actually get in the air you need to be confident that you can control your aircraft safely and as asked, without worrying about checking around you for other incursions like dogs, people, cars and other aircraft. Thus a spotter is really great to have too. Thinking about a larger car at this point perhaps?
Feel frre to PM me if you want and I will do my best to help.
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Flight distance : 6247 ft
United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 2017-11-29 02:07
A few on here have admitted to breaking the rules, this is the very reason for this consultation and new laws to come and folks wonder why
I just hope they do not price it  too high

That's what it is all about, the thing is a scam to levitate the governments bank account even higher, DJI have brought an amazing new community into this world, but unless the House Of Commons subjects this to attacking the publics wallet again, this will deter future purchases of drones, the thing is to activate DJI drones, you must first register, these are beautifully designed and the customer service is great, I'm also a photographer
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