Flight distance : 4028425 ft
United States
Mark Guille Posted at 2017-12-3 03:15
Good idea but I think the only way you can do this is with the slave controller.
A workaround for an S&R operation, would be to have a team member looking over your shoulder, so when you spot the casualty, you know where they are because they will be below/near the drone, which you can see, flip to map view if necessary. Better to have a separate monitor for easier viewing but more equipment to carry and longer setup time. Hmm.
Can you imagine how much more valuable a drone would be to such an operation with this feature?!
The tablet and the RC are already interacting so I should think it would just be a matter of additional programming in DJI Go.
The pilot relays the map image, showing the location of the find, and rescuers go straight there. No squinting at the sun; no wasted time. One could even get an idea of the barriers between the launch area and the subject - water, for example, by looking at the map.
Jeez, if a wireless video relay is used the pilot could launch well away from the operational command center - and wouldn't even have to talk to the other rescuers. He/she could just concentrate on flying and wouldn't necessarily need a crew of spotters to do it.
A hobbyist on a tight budget isn't going to mess with it, perhaps, but I read a whole lot of "pro" talk on this forum. This idea occurred to me when I was fooling around with a portable video monitor that I bought to use with my I2.
The only downside of additional programming that I can think of is the probable need for the fastest processor speed one can get - in the tablet. The older iPads might not be able to cut it.
DJI, what do you think?