Flight distance : 1277703 ft
United States
fans1b57fa0d Posted at 2017-12-3 13:56
I tried doing all of the above and nothing worked , so to come to conclusion I ended up packing up my mavic pro fly more combo and going right back to Best Buy and returning it . 1300 bucks and a disappointing experience never want to buy DJI drones ever again . Customer support is never any help either .
Sorry for your issues. I've been there, believe me. But I'm always surprised at how scorched-earth people get when they are frustrated. "DJI is a horrible company!" "I'm sending my drone back!" "I'll never fly drones again!" "I'll never buy another product from DJI again!" "I'm going to sue!" etc.
I get it - I've had issues with firmware, hardware and apps. I have both a Mavic Pro and a Phantom 3 Pro and both have been grounded at different times because of wonky firmware, incompatible app upgrades, hardware issues, etc. I've had apps crash or give me bad video feedback. I've had to send my Mavic back to DJI to get the gimble replaced because it became randomly possessed - not due to a crash or anything - and I ended up paying $180 for parts and labor. No one could tell me what happened. The last firmware update for my P3P is a joke - jankety video feed, tablet heats up, random disconnects - to the point that I can only fly it reliably with Litchi or Autopilot. The P3P isn't really supported by DJI anymore so this is probably permanent, but it flies.
You'd think I'd give up after reading that paragraph, but I've been flying drones since 2013 and honestly, the good far outweighs the bad. The DJI forum is filled with complaints, but of course the people who are unhappy are going to come here and vent. If you look at some of the polls on this site, the vast majority of flyers have few issues.
And honestly, although that above paragraph looks bad, I've only had about 10% of the issues that are complained about on this site. And every issue I've had has either been addressed with a subsequent firmware/app update, hardware replacement, or work-around (Litchi/Autopilot/rolling back firmware temporarily).
People forget that these aren't toys. They are incredibly complex computers with a camera and wings. And DJI, Apple and Android all have to play nice together just to get them in the air. Apple, Google and DJI are constantly updating and tweaking their software. It's not going to go smoothly all the time. All the rules and restrictions that DJI puts in place, as annoying as they are, aren't there to alienate customers, but to stay ahead of legislation and keep governments from banning their product. And to keep those few idiot pilots (someone used the term 'pidiots' - ha) from ruining it for everyone.
Very few things are more fun than going out on a crisp, sunny morning and flying my drones. I'm still a DJI fan, but there are other brands out there if you are not. However, you should head over to their forums and read up on some of their problems before making a switch. The grass isn't always greener. |