Hi all,
Well sadly the day has come today that I finally had a crash
But good news, nothing major has happened (I hope) as the drone still flies, the camera is still attached and everything works well apart from one small thing where the propellor hits the drones body and there are some parts where the drone has some parts sticking out (I'll upload pics)
I flew the drone a bit after with my plastic propellors as that didn't make much of a nosie and hit the body as bad as compared to my carbon fibre ones.
So long story short should I open the drone up and try put the things back in (see pics)?
Will upload pics and Video shortly.
You really should have the body pressed back in position before you can judge anything. When body is assembled, then measure the distance from prop to body at all arm's and see how it is.
Just a slight miss alignment of the one motor would make the machine fight to keep it's position in air.
I would fully agree with KedDK, you need to carefully reclip these locking tabs. The body structure has small ribs and locking tabs which work together to give it strength (while keeping weight low). Note that here are several different types of locking tabs on this drone. Once done you should find the geometry correct. If is not, then you're in for a shell replacement.
I would remove the top, try to reposition the top so the seam is tight. Check youtube for technique to remove top. Use a dremel or such tool to grind down whatever molding is preventing a tight seam. Should be a pretty easy repair.
Take wide thin blade screwdriver and carefully lever the shells back in line and get the clips and tabs to re-engage.
What has happened is your shell has 'flexed' when one or more arms have hit .. the tabs / clips popped.
If you go onto Youtube and watch a video of dismantling the shell - you will see the tabs and clips. Take care not to break any - they stiffen the structure by holding top and bottom shells aligned along with the outer arm screws.
Once reset - carefully check for cracks / splits and prop clearance. Note that the motors are not truly perpendicular, but canted slightly for thrust direction / stability reasons. Make sure they all look same.
I have had to do this with my P3S in the past. Once reset - all was fine.
Take wide thin blade screwdriver and carefully lever the shells back in line and get the clips and tabs to re-engage.
+1 for this if you still have small waves in the body after getting it closed back up a hair dryer to soften the plastic up a little will smooth things back into shape don't concentrate the head keep the dryer moving I had to do this on my nephews drone to make it look good again
Hello Utkarsh, I'm sorry to read the crash. We do not suggest to disassemble at your end. To ensure the performance, please send it in for fully diagnosis and repair: https://www.dji.com/support