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I am confused please post comments
987 7 2017-12-3
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Flight distance : 323235 ft
United States

Iam a owner of a phantom ,( never gave me a single issue) and i pre ordered the spark months before it was released so i was most likely the first patch of pilots to mess around with Spark. Any how ive used otg from day one . The one time i felw with out otg i lost satilights and was able to land but she came down fast in a angle. I was able to landy safe never crashed (soo lucky) i havent flown in a month, havent been in forms till friday i wanted to catch up . Several bad reiews on app crashing, drone crashing. SHOULD I USE OTG ? i fly with remote on iphone 6s. My drone batterys and app are fully updated. I want to fly today  but would like fellow pilots opinions. P.s. i also own a galaxy S7 and ipad 4 but never fly with .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2379249 ft

According to DJI you should not fly the Spark with OTG, but if you are running app version 4.1.10 then you should be ok to fly with OTG, but remember DJI does not support that option, they want you to fly on WIFI connection.
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Second Officer
United States

If your iPhone 6s is like my iPhone 6, then it should have WiFi ability that has been tested to work by DJI engineers and testers.  Furthermore, Wifi connection to the RC has been proven by owners to work as well as the OTG cable.  Or better, if better is defined as no software anomalies in the app.

The OTG is not a supported feature and it is unnecessary.

Though it is fun finding people who are trying to use the cable and finding all kinds of software failures with the cable.  I say keep testing it as the information on how the cable works is nonvaluable.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 422149 ft
United States

iOS version of Dji app still supports the OTG cable. It is a much more stable video feed.

Give it a try and judge for yourself

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Second Officer
United States

dansmar Posted at 2017-12-3 10:57
iOS version of Dji app still supports the OTG cable. It is a much more stable video feed.

Give it a try and judge for yourself

Then I do not understand the OP's complaint/question.  Unless his iPhone 6s is running the android operating system.  Rather than try it myself, I will have fun finding people who are testing it for me.

I will stick to testing the WiFi connection since that connection is supported by the manufacturer of the drone.  I have a OTG cable but have never needed it for my iPhone 6.  Waste of money.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft
United Kingdom

Using all current app and firmware with the iPhone 6S. No OTG cable, flew up to 114 metres today in a residential area. No loss of signal, picture the whole time. Seems to be getting better and better
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United States

MAN could we not get some clarification on the OTG cable if its bull theN why is it the number one thing people want supported in the POLL on this very forum ?
i find it laughable when you hear my iphone works great where is the real answer  before i cut the seal on this new spark I WANT A REAL ANSWER fROM DJI NOT THE ROBOTIC WE DON'T SUPPORT ? REALLY WHAT ARE WE 12

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DJI Susan

Hey Celo, what's the current version of APP and mobile OS? As far as I know, the app's crash is caused by the IOS operating system and this issue has been fixed in IOS 11.2, please update to the latest OS and reinstall the APP to check again.
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