This video is a bit long (37 minutes) but has a lot of good info. It's from Drone Valley and explains Apple & Android devices in detail, then has some suggestions at the end for how to make your device work smoothly with DJI Go4.
If you are a tl;dr (or dw) person, here are some waypoints:
9.18 minute mark - Talks about Apple products (he likes the iPad Mini 4 best) - You can skip this part, nothing new here if you know about IOS, except his observation that the RC appears to have been designed specifically to fit the iPad mini, which he finds interesing.
14.48 minute mark - Talks about Android products (he likes the nVidia Shield best) - This part is very informative and explains a lot of the reasons why there are so many issues with some Android devices and not others. Samsung vs Crystal Sky, for example. Btw, I didn't know Crystal Sky was Android-based.
24.11 minute mark - Lists his suggestions, including:
Make sure your device meets the specs from the beginning - DJI Go is a huge app that takes up a ton of processing power and memory when running, so if your device doesn't meet the specs it won't work. You need a lot of RAM, at least 4 cores, plenty of memory, etc. Older devices just can't handle it.
If you update firmware, make sure your DJI Go and the operating system on your device are updated as well. Don't do one without the others.
Make sure your device has a good amount of 'elbow room' - aka it's memory is not full of photos, videos, apps, etc. The less clutter on your device the better.
When flying, hard shut down all apps running in the background - including things like Airmap: after you've used it to check that its safe to fly, shut it down. No need to keep it running because it is tying up processing power.
If you can swing it, use a dedicated device rather than your everyday phone or tablet. Less clutter installed on the device the better. If you use a dedicated Android device, try and find one that has the purest version of the OS - not one that has been enhanced or tweaked by the manufacturer with a bunch of bells and whistles.
Don't use a $4 cable off of Amazon - cheap cables may charge your phone but can't handle all the back and forth high-speed data transfer between the RC & phone required to run DJI Go. Also, shorter cables are better because the data has less distance to travel.
If your device has a case, take it off when using it to fly
Although he doesn't pick sides in the Apple vs Android debate - he uses bothtypes of devices to fly - he says the fact is Apple devices work better due to their closed operating system. But if you use an android device, the 511 (Lolipop) version of Android OS works best with the DJI app.