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Spark flew away, guidance much appreciated
1403 15 2017-12-10
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Flight distance : 8438 ft

Hi all
So am I posting here for the first time.
Just got home after spending the afternoon in the surrounding nature together with my son.
We took our newly bought Spark with us and what started so nice ended in tears when Sparky decided to fly away.

I have seen in the threads that you can upload log files for the flights.
Can anyone guide me how to do that?
(Sorry if this has been answered numerous times before).

In short what happened was that when I was what I estime 140-150 meters away I got a "weak gps signal" and at that time I pressed the go home button on the controller.
Sparky raised to the set rth height 50m, yawed towards us and started to go back. Then after a short time there were more messages on the screen folloed by the sound from the controller saying Atti mode. After this Sparky set off in a quite high speed in another direction and this is the last we saw of our dear friend
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Hi, sir. I feel sorry about your experience. As your spark flew away, you can not export the data through DJI Assistant 2. I would recommend you contact the Support to start a case, provide the flight records to them, see if they can find out what happened. Please refer to the link below to contact the Support:
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Flight distance : 164528 ft

If your device is android
go into device storage>dji>dji.go.v4>FlightRecord then find the fileIf apple
[backcolor=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]

Then upload to
Then reply with the url phantomhelp gives you
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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As lyons90 said phantomhelp
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United States

Oh man that sucks!!  Thanks Lyons90 for the links.  I will have to save them somewhere.  I almost had the same situation recently.  I was flying my Spark when I suddenly got the "Atti" notification.  The Spark suddenly took a sharp right and started climbing FAST!!  I still have my Spark in Beginner Mode so I had never seen it go so fast or so high before.  I kept slapping the DOWN joystick and it came down at a severe approach angle and still at a rapid speed.  I could not control direction and it almost hit a couple cars parked in the lot where I was flying it.  When it got down to about 4' from the ground it regained GPS and I was able to land it.
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Flight distance : 8438 ft

Thanks, I managed to retrieve the log file.

I also opened a case with DJI support so they can review the flight.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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55.96915848        12.84572804
Above is your last known coordinates, your altitude was 170ft when log cut off at that time you were 100% pulling down on throttle.
You had 33% battery and were travelling at 25mph, your Aircraft would have continued on the line it was flying on you can see the line in the picture for another 3 minutes before going into critical battery and force landing, so taking that line from the map if you could walk for 1.3 to 2 miles this would be the area to look for your drone.

Why you got compass error is not something I can tell from your log, I will explain below what happens when you have compass problems with your aircraft. But not enough info in those logs to say why it happened, I have seen dji award warranty for such happenings and I have also seen them refuse and offer 30% discount, hopefully you will get warranty but I will stress it’s always easier if you can find your Aircraft, so it would be worth getting a couple of friends to go and walk the ground in search, you could also get a map and measure out 1.5 mile from last coordinates and get a better idea of where you might find it.

Why would a compass error disable GPS?
Orientation (compass data) and position (GPS data) are different but related.
When the Spark is moving and getting position information from the GPS that tells the Spark that it is travelling in a different direction from what it's getting from compass data, The Spark programming can't work with the data conflict.
The solution is to drop data from one source and since the Spark can't fly without a compass but can without GPS, it's the GPS data that gets dropped.

There have been some compass problems with Spark lately or your issue may have been related to something you did.
I'd be curious about when and where you calibrated it and where you launched from as these may be relevant factors.
You can also see the flight data to learn more and perhaps solve the mystery of your incident.
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Flight distance : 8438 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-12-11 07:28
55.96915848        12.84572804
Above is your last known coordinates, your altitude was 170ft when log cut off at that time you were 100% pulling down on throttle.
You had 33% battery and were travelling at 25mph, your Aircraft would have continued on the line it was flying on you can see the line in the picture for another 3 minutes before going into critical battery and force landing, so taking that line from the map if you could walk for 1.3 to 2 miles this would be the area to look for your drone.

Thanks a million for the comprehensive feedback! This tells me I was searching too close to the last recorded position earlier today.
My rth set height was 50m so it correlates very much to the 170ft.
I started the flight from an open area and had no messages of compass error at that time. I have learnt reading this forum that you should not calibrate the compass unless the app tells you to so I did not.
I really have no clue what caused the "weak gps signal" when there seems to be 18 satellites connected (?) And from what I understand from you the aircraft relies on compass when gps and compass is sending mixed information to the controller.
Hope to find the root cause...
Again, thanks for your support!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
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Hi Kardiuz,

Another question for you (actually for all Spark users) is why did you loose RC>AC contact at 449.9 feet while earlier this flight you had a distance of than 640 feet ?

The last picture shows your drone heading wich is different than he heading on the google map, so i am not sure where to search in that area.
If your drone did not loose power, diconnect from the RC so the 100% down selection is mayby not active the Spark could fly at that height for about 3 to 4 minutes at 50 k/hour.

Hope you find your drone! Cheers Hans
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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JJBspark Posted at 2017-12-11 11:01
Hi Kardiuz,

Another question for you (actually for all Spark users) is why did you loose RC>AC contact at 449.9 feet while earlier this flight you had a distance of than 640 feet ?

You also have to take into account drone will start landing at 10% battery and also at that speed it will also use battery quicker.
I’m taking it that you are making assumption that he had one third battery left .
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
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Yeah Hallmark007 ; about 3 a 4 minutes,  (33% - 10%) / 6.2  = 3.7 minutes + time landing 10% to touch-down...its almost rocket-science
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Flight distance : 98179 ft

JJBspark Posted at 2017-12-11 11:01
Hi Kardiuz,

Another question for you (actually for all Spark users) is why did you loose RC>AC contact at 449.9 feet while earlier this flight you had a distance of than 640 feet ?

Sorry for out-topic, but what app is that?  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
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Lex_Luchor Posted at 2017-12-12 02:38
Sorry for out-topic, but what app is that?

right now busy with programming my own tool, if ready i will free-ware it.
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Flight distance : 98179 ft

JJBspark Posted at 2017-12-12 02:52
right now busy with programming my own tool, if ready i will free-ware it.

Nice! Please let me know it.
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Flight distance : 8438 ft

Just wanted to inform that DJI decided to send me a new Spark. It is on the way home.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Kardiuz Posted at 2017-12-22 23:34
Just wanted to inform that DJI decided to send me a new Spark. It is on the way home.

Great news, I am happy to read that!
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