Flight distance : 11004 ft
United States
Went out for a flight today and everything went wrong, big time.
First the app crashed over and over, but I was able to restart it and it went straight into camera mode. No affect on the P3s so I took pics and a little video and brought back for a landing.
It came in on auto and was too close to a tree so I cancel RTH and moved it further away. Put it in auto land mode and it began to descend when I got the low battery warning. I decided to bring it down a little faster and pushed down on the throttle a little. When it got to about a 100 feet the motors quit and it feel. Bet I dont need to explain what happened next. It will be a long time before I fly again.
Tried to post earlier, but the app kept crashing. I ended up deleting it and reloading it. Seems fine now, but I can’t be sure because I don’t have a working P3s to fly. |