United States
Matthew Dobrski Posted at 2017-12-13 21:57
Yeah ... Well, beautiful imagery aside, tell us please what's really happening? I mean, c'mon: 5000 views on Vimeo and not a single "like" or comment? What did you do? I'm publishing landscape videos there which are not particularly better or more attractive than yours but nothing National Geographic channel will be ashamed to broadcast (in terms of quality). And I'm happy to be noticed by a dozen of incidental viewers and to receive 2 or 3 comments or "likes". Total.
So, what's your trick ?
I shared the link on Facebook and it took off from there. Facebook and Vimeo's stats don't seem to talk to each other very well. They never have the same numbers. As for as likes, since most people are watching the video on Facebook, that's where all the likes and shares are located. I wish I could find a way to tally up all the likes, but it's been shared on 281 pages so far.
Here are the numbers this morning.