Pawell Posted at 2017-12-14 02:01
I always thought it was super cool to fly the aircraft and spray, but I just don't get the point. If you have a small spot to adress, so small you wouldn't go there with more serious equipment is it cost effective to get a drone just for that?
The tank seems small, and the flight time is low - why bother?
Imagine a x10 scale model for firefighters!
Dear Pawell
Agree, the Agras tank seems small but you can spray a product in highly concentrated doses. The water is only a vehicle for applying an active product (the amount of water to dissolve it is relative). For example, spraying on foot-backpack requires almost 200 liters of water and let's say 300 ml or cc. of active product for hectare (2.47 acres), but that amount of water is calculated for walking the crop. In the case of aerial spraying, (airplanes) the amount of water needed is reduced in almost 90% and at that altitude, you lose almost 40% of the product only by the wind effect and a few more because of temperature. So it is possible to make a good application with the Agras 10-liter tank and still be effective, the proof is the water-sensitive paper that registers the amount and size of the droplets in a determined area. That's all that counts.
About the batteries, we all wish the batteries last longer, but for now, this is what we have. As a fact, just tested on field one battery lasted for spraying 1.7 hectares (4.2 acres) at an average speed of 18 km/h.
The Agras is good for some type of crops, rice, wheat, cotton, soja, sugar, that are very dense and difficult to access by foot or with machinery.
Regards |