Cannot connect to my spark at all
3039 4 2017-12-16
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Costa Rica

So here is the thing, I just got my spark, first time I was able to connect the aircraft to the remote controller I tried to Update the latest firmware, ended up that I could update it. And now I cannot connect to my spark, nor with the controller neither my cellphone. The spark doesnt beep at all when I follow the steps to try to find the spark's wifi. Please!!! Anyone could help me. This is very frustrating, BTW I already downloaded the DJI Assitant tool but still doesnt recognized it on my computer
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Flight distance : 18399 ft

If you use the remote controller you must find the wi-fi of the remote controller, not the Spark.

Once the Spark has been linked to a remote controller, if you want to connect directly to the device afterwards, you need to reset the Spark itself by pressing the power button for several seconds until you hear several beeps. You will then be able to connect to the Spark directly (without passing through the remote then).

Hope this helps ;-)
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Costa Rica

Didiko Posted at 2017-12-16 05:20
If you use the remote controller you must find the wi-fi of the remote controller, not the Spark.

Once the Spark has been linked to a remote controller, if you want to connect directly to the device afterwards, you need to reset the Spark itself by pressing the power button for several seconds until you hear several beeps. You will then be able to connect to the Spark directly (without passing through the remote then).

Thanks buddy, and its right, I am able to find the wifi from the remote controller, but the controller does not connect to the drone itself. With this happening I tried to reset pressing and holding the button, trying by holding it for 6 and 9 seconds and nothing is happening, there is no beep. The only beep I get is when I turn it on!
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Flight distance : 19341 ft

Hi !

I had the same issue with my computer after fotmatting it, but I solvet it in windows 8.1 (and some people have it in win10)

Computer cannot recognize the drone because you don't have the "CDC Serial" driver. So you must have it to connect drone to DJI Assitant.

Ok, the main problem is that DJI's driver are not signed digitally, so, windows above win8 will not allow to you to install it.

You have to unlock it in the start up of windows. Here you have how to: ... l-unsigned-drivers/

After you did this you can install the driver.

You have to connect your drone on, and go to control pannel and hardware, you will see the CDC Serial with a yellow triangle with a !

Here you have to manually install the DJI driver as ussual.

The driver is in the DJI Assistant directory. In my computer is in = (C:/program files(86)/DJI Product/DJI Assistant/Drivers/winusb/(here you have to choose your OS if is 64x or 32x)/(and here you have  the files  you need)

With the  RC, since .18 DJI Go update I have problem to connect  to  my phone when is  3G/4G internet connection, if I disable it I can connect to my phone without problem to the RC's Wi-Fi

I hope this can help you.

Sorry my bad english, is not my first language
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

djiuser_A1Z0nfn Posted at 2017-12-16 05:34
Thanks buddy, and its right, I am able to find the wifi from the remote controller, but the controller does not connect to the drone itself. With this happening I tried to reset pressing and holding the button, trying by holding it for 6 and 9 seconds and nothing is happening, there is no beep. The only beep I get is when I turn it on!

Hi, sir. Please ensure that both your drone and RC are the latest firmware. What is the color of the indicator of the RC? Here is the video of linking your remote with AC. In addition, if you fail to connect your drone with DJI Assistant 2, please reinstall the software or change a computer for check.
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