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Still no OTG Support
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12338 126 2017-12-18
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United Kingdom

As the previous threads on this subject have been successfully stifled and turned into a debate between forum members, I want to start a thread solely about getting this resolved once and for all.

DJI, is OTG support coming for the Spark or not?   It is a simple question....yes, or no?

Do not respond to this with any of the following...
  • OTG is not supported currently (We know)
  • Our engineers are working on it (Working on removing it through firmware updates permamantly or working on providing it properly?)

'Yes' or 'No' please?  'Yes' means I have a nice little Spark, 'No' means it's completely worthless to me.

Looking forward to your response.

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United Kingdom

I also welcome the answer to this as I have a spark sitting under the tree and it will be going back to the store if no otg.
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Flight distance : 535 ft

fansa6d9d300 Posted at 2017-12-18 03:07
I also welcome the answer to this as I have a spark sitting under the tree and it will be going back to the store if no otg.

very well!!!!!
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United States

I'm a newbie, pease explain the benefit of using the OTG.  I have purchased one and would like to use, if it causes no issues.  Thank you in advance.
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United Kingdom

lsufan861 Posted at 2017-12-18 11:13
I'm a newbie, pease explain the benefit of using the OTG.  I have purchased one and would like to use, if it causes no issues.  Thank you in advance.

OTG provides a strong, stable signal between the RC and your Phone; on Android devices, some users experience poor video connection, even at short range...the OTG cable resolves that (for me and many others).

OTG was never officially supported for the Spark but previous app versions did allow it to work.

The latest app seems to have blocked its use though and now IOS users are experiencing OTG problems with the latest IOS app.

DJI are refusing to make any official comment on it and I pesonally think they deliberately removing useful functionality from their lower end product (the Spark)
All the evidence points to this but I really hope I am wrong.
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United States

Mildman Posted at 2017-12-18 11:25
OTG provides a strong, stable signal between the RC and your Phone; on Android devices, some users experience poor video connection, even at short range...the OTG cable resolves that (for me and many others).

OTG was never officially supported for the Spark but previous app versions did allow it to work.

I flew this weekend and experienced issues just by uning wifi.  I was losing the image and connectivity, which caused me great concern of a fly away.  It should also concern DJI, of poor connectivity.  I was flying withthe latest firmware and the oldest iOS version app.  I see the latest update is now available for download, and  hope that will help with this issue.  I ahve seen that the update had nothing about wifi connection issues mentioned in the update.  I was well within range and was flying with eyes on the drone, so not far away.
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United Kingdom

lsufan861 Posted at 2017-12-18 12:33
I flew this weekend and experienced issues just by uning wifi.  I was losing the image and connectivity, which caused me great concern of a fly away.  It should also concern DJI, of poor connectivity.  I was flying withthe latest firmware and the oldest iOS version app.  I see the latest update is now available for download, and  hope that will help with this issue.  I ahve seen that the update had nothing about wifi connection issues mentioned in the update.  I was well within range and was flying with eyes on the drone, so not far away.

If you upgrade to the latest app, you will not be able to use an OTG cable
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Flight distance : 453701 ft

I doubt that DJI would answer in a yes or no format to your question, they seem to be shying away from this issue for a long time now. if they would just listen to us then this issue would be resolved a long time ago.
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United States

I have the latest firmware and app.  I just connected my OTG and got a message saying this device might not be supported.  This is what my display look like, am I missing anything?  

Thank you.
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United States

Sorry this is what it looks like.
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United Kingdom

Neeon Posted at 2017-12-18 16:15
I doubt that DJI would answer in a yes or no format to your question, they seem to be shying away from this issue for a long time now. if they would just listen to us then this issue would be resolved a long time ago.

Yes, I agree with you.  I think I'm just trying to get any reaction, other than the standard customer service stock answers that they are rolling out that some folks are taking as promises

With OTG and the simple (even for RC/tech novices) FCC hack doing the rounds, people have realised the the Spark is quite a capable and stable and  drone...those not bothered with video options won't feel the need to upgrade.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194911 ft

I cant figure out any technological issue that could be the cause for this ongoing-issue regarding the OTG-Connection with Spark and the remote.
I think its only "marketing related" as the developers do not get the time and ressources to fix it because they have to implement new features or even work on new products.
And bringing out new products gets more focus than improving "old ones". :-(
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

lsufan861 Posted at 2017-12-18 17:53
Sorry this is what it looks like.[view_image]

That is the looks of using the OTG cable on android with the Go4 App v.4.1.18
Am I wrong?
If not, downgrade the go4 App to 4.1.15
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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xfirf_ Posted at 2017-12-19 03:35
I cant figure out any technological issue that could be the cause for this ongoing-issue regarding the OTG-Connection with Spark and the remote.
I think its only "marketing related" as the developers do not get the time and ressources to fix it because they have to implement new features or even work on new products.
And bringing out new products gets more focus than improving "old ones". :-(

Spark is still a 'seller', methinks.
But more and more buyers knew beforehand  that otg is usable and an advantage.
What is DJI expecting if more and more people knowing about the shut down otg process?

And still, I cant understand how a manufacturer is pushing people to use a wifi connection for a 5-10cm distance, but telling people, to shut off all other wifi devices around you.
Bluetooth is wifi too, DJI!
And not always can people fly with NOONE around their position.
So shuting down all bluetooth devices is kind of impossible in public areas!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 422149 ft
United States

Some iOS users are reporting loss of some otg function with the latest dji software release for that platform

iOS - dji go 4.1.20 (4.1.18 worked on iOS with otg)
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United States

S-e-ven Posted at 2017-12-19 04:03
That is the looks of using the OTG cable on android with the Go4 App v.4.1.18
Am I wrong?
If not, downgrade the go4 App to 4.1.15

That is with an iPhone 7 Plus.  In that display I'm connected to the OTG, is there anything missing in the display?
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United Kingdom

dansmar Posted at 2017-12-19 05:18
Some iOS users are reporting loss of some otg function with the latest dji software release for that platform

iOS - dji go 4.1.20 (4.1.18 worked on iOS with otg)

Yep, a number of threads raised already.  I think we can safely say goodbye to a spark flying with latest app/latest firmware with an OTG cable.  :-(

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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

lsufan861 Posted at 2017-12-19 05:58
That is with an iPhone 7 Plus.  In that display I'm connected to the OTG, is there anything missing in the display?

That is bad!
Are you on v. 4.1.20?
I did read somewhere here, that now iOS is cursed too, for OTG
So wifi maybe your only solution.
Someone experienced, if the video  and the app gets disconnected often and in close distance, change from auto to manual wifi channel mode

Looks more and more, that DJI is not trying to bring back, but to shut it down completely for the Spark.
Isn't it?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 665213 ft
United Kingdom

I have an OTG cable but haven't used it yet iPhone X) as wireless seems to be behaving for me. I got the cable after seeing a number of threads & YouTube videos explaining the benefits but to be honest I tend not to fly it that far away from me anyway so as of yet I haven't had any issues
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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft

Mildman Posted at 2017-12-19 06:03
Yep, a number of threads raised already.  I think we can safely say goodbye to a spark flying with latest app/latest firmware with an OTG cable.  :-(

Where about's are you in the UK ?
Been flying mine for the last few month's without the cable and had no issues. I am in the UK also, despite my location saying Sweden on my work PC.

Is it you don't want to risk trying with out the cable. I used to use it, but once I plucked up the courage to use wifi, its been well behave.

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Flight distance : 97274 ft
United States

So, I flew my Spark yesterday at the dog park with an iPad mini 2, an OTG cable and the RC. I did not have any issues (other than the normal video feed choppiness when I got too far away).
I'm seeing a message on the App saying an update (01.00.0800) is available...should I make the update? I'm also using DJI Go 4 app v4.1.18, so don't upgrade to v4.1.2 if I want to keep using OTG?
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United Kingdom

jksphoto Posted at 2017-12-19 08:28
Where about's are you in the UK ?
Been flying mine for the last few month's without the cable and had no issues. I am in the UK also, despite my location saying Sweden on my work PC.

Thanks for your feedback....I'm in South Wales.

On Android it's just not flyable at all without OTG...on WiFi, 50 metres before video loss, it's such a shame....plug in the OTG and boom, super stable.

I have an iPad as well and that is a lot better, but taking a 10" iPad out, in my mind, defeats the object of a portable drone.
I'm not going to touch any new Apps until there is consensus that DJI have a grip of these issues.

Are you on android or IOS?
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Flight distance : 8274 ft

but what about the first question?

what happen?
you will support or not the OTG, i think we need to FLOOD the telephone lines and forum asking for an anwer ,

As the previous threads on this subject have been successfully stifled and turned into a debate between forum members, I want to start a thread solely about getting this resolved once and for all.

DJI, is OTG support coming for the Spark or not?   It is a simple question....yes, or no?

Do not respond to this with any of the following...

    OTG is not supported currently (We know)
    Our engineers are working on it (Working on removing it through firmware updates permamantly or working on providing it properly?)

'Yes' or 'No' please?  'Yes' means I have a nice little Spark, 'No' means it's completely worthless to me.

Looking forward to your response.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

Looking on the iOS 4.1.20 OTG issue, I am really not convinced, that DJI is trying to bring it back.
To me it looks more about a try, to shut it down. Constantly!
We'll see more as soon the 4.1.22 hits android users
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3168455 ft
  • >>>

Mildman Posted at 2017-12-19 08:35
Thanks for your feedback....I'm in South Wales.

On Android it's just not flyable at all without OTG...on WiFi, 50 metres before video loss, it's such a shame....plug in the OTG and boom, super stable.

I can fly my spark up to 220m with a crystalsky(thus android) before losing signal.
It's not much, but it is not as bad as you say.
In the end ìwe all wish for more range and options and on the CrystalSky mount store page there is a little line saying that OTG fucntion will be added to the Spark to have the mount working(i use wifi).I live in EU by the way.
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Flight distance : 43373 ft
United States

My guess would be DJI wants to figure out a way to monetize the OTG cable.   Buying a $3 amazon cable doesnt help DJI's bottom line and creates support issues (what kind of cord are you using? etc, etc)  I'll bet the development of a DJI branded OTG cable is on the way that will work with new versions of the app.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft
United Kingdom

Mildman Posted at 2017-12-19 08:35
Thanks for your feedback....I'm in South Wales.

On Android it's just not flyable at all without OTG...on WiFi, 50 metres before video loss, it's such a shame....plug in the OTG and boom, super stable.

Ah ok, thats annoying, bit too far to arrange a meet up. I'm on iOS using a 6s. Its weird, felt really uncomfortable using the Spark without OTG to start off with, but slowly trusting it. Flying up to 100 m in the air now, been reliable so far. Can see why everyone is getting frustrated, but all the OTG bale is going to do is, improve connection between the remote and device. I've been trying to figure out how its even possible that the cable can improve the range of the Spark, but some seem to think it does.

Hope you get it sorted, as its a good product despite the issues that circle the forum.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

tvon Posted at 2017-12-19 11:13
My guess would be DJI wants to figure out a way to monetize the OTG cable.   Buying a $3 amazon cable doesnt help DJI's bottom line and creates support issues (what kind of cord are you using? etc, etc)  I'll bet the development of a DJI branded OTG cable is on the way that will work with new versions of the app.

Information sometimes helps. A DJI OTG cable has been available already before Spark had even been launched (I had bought it together with my Spark from the DJI webstore) and it works the same way as third party cables work. Meanwhile I prefer to use a third party cable because of the length I need. Please take at least the time to inform yourself before adding to totally unfounded speculations.
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Flight distance : 245440 ft

Right now Spark is useless without OTG in Europe. I have to use 5.8 GHz between Spark and RC, because when I switch to 2.4 GHz, my phone doesn't see any WiFi (illegal frequency in Czech Rep).

I was using it for one month in the USA and my experience was completely different. WiFi was working with no problems 300-400 m away, but here in the Czech Republic I'm getting bad video feed less than 40 m away from me (and yea, phone is in the airplane mode, no interference around, no bluetooth device near by).  I use OTG and I'm staying with older app, because when I'm using just WiFi, I feel like I will lost Spark in any moment.
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Flight distance : 365299 ft

A word about the difference between Android and iOS: I haven't upgraded to the latest versions yet, but up until the last "version-set" (4.1.18 and no alerts about updates), I was able to use an USB cable with no problems whatsoever on my iPhone 7 (still on iOS 10 though) - I did get the message "This accessory may not be supported", but after that I could just open DJI GO and was connected. However, there was virtually no difference at all, neither in the stability of the connection nor in the connection range, so I stopped using it - it was much easier to just squeeze the phone between the grips without having to pass the cable through the slot, if it's for the same result.

So, from what I see in these forums, this is mainly, or even solely, a concern for Android users. Or are there any iOS users here who get a better connection or range if they are connected by cable?

Concerning the OTG standard / protocol: OTG (on-the-go) is a specification for the USB standard, something like an "add-on", and I have read somewhere that Apple/iOS does NOT support USB-OTG. I'm not sure what this means, but I'm not using a proper OTG cable, but a simple lightning cable with a USB to micro USB adapter, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

jksphoto Posted at 2017-12-19 08:28
Where about's are you in the UK ?
Been flying mine for the last few month's without the cable and had no issues. I am in the UK also, despite my location saying Sweden on my work PC.

' I am in the UK also, despite my location saying Sweden on my work PC. '

It is not your work PC, it is your setting in the DJI Go 4 app

Or do I confuse that now? Not sure about, right now.

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Flight distance : 27441 ft

KurtVD Posted at 2017-12-20 04:32
A word about the difference between Android and iOS: I haven't upgraded to the latest versions yet, but up until the last "version-set" (4.1.18 and no alerts about updates), I was able to use an USB cable with no problems whatsoever on my iPhone 7 (still on iOS 10 though) - I did get the message "This accessory may not be supported", but after that I could just open DJI GO and was connected. However, there was virtually no difference at all, neither in the stability of the connection nor in the connection range, so I stopped using it - it was much easier to just squeeze the phone between the grips without having to pass the cable through the slot, if it's for the same result.

So, from what I see in these forums, this is mainly, or even solely, a concern for Android users. Or are there any iOS users here who get a better connection or range if they are connected by cable?

I'm of those who feel safer with OTG. But I recently updated my spark and dji app (android) and obviously I am forced to use WIFI. But I did a previous test with the version that worked alright with OTG and the video was choppier than the actual spark last fw/dji go app last version combination. I must say that the flight was in a 5 meters range, it was just testing.

I still prefer that DJI supports OTG for spark in any device but WIFI seems to be improved.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft
United Kingdom

S-e-ven Posted at 2017-12-20 05:17
' I am in the UK also, despite my location saying Sweden on my work PC. '

It is not your work PC, it is your setting in the DJI Go 4 app

I mean the location on the forum, right now I'm at home, so it say's I'm in the UK :-)
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Flight distance : 43373 ft
United States

Wachtberger Posted at 2017-12-19 13:14
Information sometimes helps. A DJI OTG cable has been available already before Spark had even been launched (I had bought it together with my Spark from the DJI webstore) and it works the same way as third party cables work. Meanwhile I prefer to use a third party cable because of the length I need. Please take at least the time to inform yourself before adding to totally unfounded speculations.

Well I did say "my guess is".. Its not some insider info, just from my perspective and how they've handled the OTG questions..
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Jota Oliveira

+1 here. Please bring this feature back. I've recently purchased an Spark and even didn't get the chance to use it with OTG cable.
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Flight distance : 73166 ft

Please enable the OTG feature, since it is not possible to live since the feature was removed. The video is experiencing delays that it did not have before using OTG.
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i saw a blog where the OTG was discussed with a DJI Engineer at the CES.  He said they are working on Spark OTG as the WiFi connection has not met with the success they expected.
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Flight distance : 106601 ft

BobD Posted at 2018-1-18 10:45
i saw a blog where the OTG was discussed with a DJI Engineer at the CES.  He said they are working on Spark OTG as the WiFi connection has not met with the success they expected.

can you provide a link?
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please release cable OTG and FCC here in Brazil
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Flight distance : 141552 ft

There is no reason to DJI doesn’t release a org version! Otg is much better than WiFi! Every time when I tried WiFi I’ve had issues with dropping connection! Plz, release a new version with otg!
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