This is my first time flying the Spark during the night. I didn't changed the ISO or exposure, I left everything at default to see what it looks like. Initially I was planning to circle around the fireworks but I don't think I have enough experience doing that during the night. I simply flew the Spark 250m up in the air, positioned it at the best distance and just hovered. If Waypoint was supported on Spark, it will make things alot easier.
At 2:08 you can see another drone hovering near the top-right part of the screen. That drone was almost flying directly into the fireworks.
Newbiesparker Posted at 2018-1-1 14:17
Awesome video, I did a similar thing, but didn't go as high - can I ask, did you edit this and if so, what did you use?
I didn't edit anything - no filters, no colour grading, no nothing, the footage came straight out of the SDcard. I did compressed the footage with HEVC codec to make it smaller before uploading it, so the original looks even clearer.