Hi! I have got very sad story about mavic and DJI service which is the worst with what I have got experience.
I plan my trip around the south america last year, so I decided to buy a drone, I read a lot about mavic and I get it in April. I train to fly and all the functions and everything looks ok. I go to Chile on november and than go to Peru where the story begin. I use mavic in Cusco, and next day we go to colourful moutain, I try to use mavic but it lost video connection, I see only black screen:/ ( you can see it in attachment) I cannot flight in this beautiful place. I note that I have never had a crash or any other mechanical demage.
I read everything about lost video connection on forum and check just like people said (cable, sd card etc) I also wrote to dji support and they give me the adress to nearest dji service in Peru, in Lima (also in attachment this conversation) So I change the plans and go firstly to Lima to check my drone. The building looks like ok so I have a hope that everything will be ok
And now it is started, I give mavic to specialist from dji in Lima and he check the cable, sd card etc. and told me that he need to open the mavic to check main board and flex for gimbal, I said ok because I have warranty, mavic has almost 6 months so I do not have any objections, there were no mechanical demage signs.
And the man said if he open the mavic I could lose the warranty and the repair will be cost 600$ if it is main bord or 110$ if it is only flex, I said WHAT? YOU ARE AUTERIZED SERVICE DJI WHY I SHOULD PAY AND LOSE WARRANTY? They told me to check it with dji support.
So i again write with dji online support and they told me that I need to send my mavic to california to get repair (it takes over month to get my mavic back), or I can take risk and repair it in Lima and pay for everything and lose warranty (everyting in attachments)
So I decided to take risk because in one month I do not need the mavic any more because NOW I AM ON MY TRIP! AND NOW I AM IN AUTORIZED DJI SERVICE! The repair takes few hours and I get the invoice for 110$ to paid, when I asked how I could it demage the flex they told me that it is the factory defect and I can not make anything with it....
First question is why they give me the adress to service in Lima if they know that mavic cannot be repair there? Next, why I need to pay for repair and the most funny is why I lose my warranty repair the mavic in AUTORIZED SERVICE?