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Yet another another long Spark fly away story.
2607 33 2018-1-2
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

Hi all.....Took my drone out New Years morning. Ground level wind was tested as zero with an anemometer. Had one warning of  high winds at the first height level but not any warnings after that so kept the Spark in line of sight.After flying out a bit, the app started to go wonky showing telemetry from 0-height-0. Same with distance etc.Then at about 1000ft out the app crashed completely and wouldn't reboot. The nightmare!  I started to return the Spark manualy by sight in Sport mode to get back as fast as I could.Unable to get a good grasp of the direction,height and distance without the app, when I had turned the Spark it was heading over 200 ft away from my home point  . Switched back to GPS (P?)mode when it got closer. I can't remember if I managed to get the app to reboot, but the Spark  started to land itself with 33% power for some unknown reason (from flight records).I tried to cancel the landing while frantically pressing the RTH button. The app rebooted, I tried to cancel landing again and intiate RTH which it wouldn't but as it was descending so slowly  (0.2-0.7MPH) I managed to fly the Spark back to the Home Point.It was still landing but not fast enough. The battery was now very low . I had my thumb permenantly planted on the down lever  hoping that if the battery died it would land on my grass.

Then, when the battery was at 0% , the Spark just flew off at speed to approx 100 feet away, the battery died and Spark crashed on the main road!! Luckily there were no cars! I thought my Spark would be smashed to bits. The battery is broken, one of the LED covers is off (which I managed to pop back on), all the props are damaged and the glass covering the bottom sensors are smashed .

My concerns are why the app (seems no matter which version with Android) is erratic and always crashes (with Android and now with IOS) and now seems completely unusable, why the telemetry was jumping from 0-height-0 (distance and speed were the same) so I couldn't get the right height or any telemetry information, why I couldn't cancel landing and RTH failed to work..even though RTH was bleeping on my controller( and shows up on the flight data). Why the descending was so slow(0.2-0.7MPH) that it seemed like the Spark thought it was lower than it was and with my finger on the lever to lower it still didn't look like it was descending at all! Why the Spark just flew off and crashed when the battery got to zero and why the button pressing and frantic app resetting is not shown on the flight data (unless I am missing something?).

I have emailed DJI support with the DAT file so will see what happens but it has knocked my confidence in my wee Spark and I'm thinking of returning it to the seller as faulty and not fit for purpose (even though I have DJI Care).In the just over a  month I have had it I have had a LOT of App crashes and erratic behaviour(Android (Sheild K1) and IOS(Ipad Pro)),  a LOT of disconnections even in open fields away from anything (unless sheep interupt the signal!)...a lot of disconnections when ascending...again...even  in open fields....... but....this has been scariest experience! It feels like the final straw.

I feel my Wee Spark is unusable and is sitting in the original box while I decide what to do with him. Will miss Wee Sparky but he is no good to me if I fear there are going to be problems everytime I fly him....

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Flight distance : 696 ft

Was there any fog/mist out there? This is often a reason for wrong reading of the altitude - VPS gets fooled.

The other thing is, if the Spark was in ATTI mode, then RTH will not work. No chance.

BTW, is it possible that RTH in ATTI mode causes forced landing? Anyone (especially DJI crowd) can comment on that?
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United Kingdom

maybe they should call it the fly off more combo
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

_pk Posted at 2018-1-2 06:53
Was there any fog/mist out there? This is often a reason for wrong reading of the altitude - VPS gets fooled.

The other thing is, if the Spark was in ATTI mode, then RTH will not work. No chance.

Hi, No it was very clear. According to the flight recorder Spark had 17 Satellites connected so not in ATTI. I was in Sport until 244 feet away then switchs back to GPS(P?).  Spark flew to 216 feet away and initiated a forced landing itself. Flight log shows that RTH initiated afterwards but Spark was landing and not returning.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

fansea82e29a Posted at 2018-1-2 07:06
Hi, No it was very clear. According to the flight recorder Spark had 17 Satellites connected so not in ATTI. I was in Sport until 244 feet away then switchs back to GPS(P?).  Spark flew to 216 feet away and initiated a forced landing itself. Flight log shows that RTH initiated afterwards but Spark was landing and not returning.

Correction...looking at the flight record seems by the controlsI flew from 244 feet to 216.

I tried to drop altitude...0-0.4 second after that Spark initiated a forced landing.
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Dang... Thanks for your detailed review. I've got a new one... Flown a few minutes indoors. and it discounted then. But sounds like like got the wrong product now.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

sSkyPilot Posted at 2018-1-2 15:37
Dang... Thanks for your detailed review. I've got a new one... Flown a few minutes indoors. and it discounted then. But sounds like like got the wrong product now.

Hi, Thanks...yeah, it would be a great wee thing if it worked but with all the problems I am too nervous to even try it in the house now! I have the controller but even then I don't think I have had one flight without a disconnection...I don't know what good alternative there is though!
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

fansea82e29a Posted at 2018-1-2 15:46
Hi, Thanks...yeah, it would be a great wee thing if it worked but with all the problems I am too nervous to even try it in the house now! I have the controller but even then I don't think I have had one flight without a disconnection...I don't know what good alternative there is though!

Thinking about it I have had a few indoor flights without disconnecting but not an outdoor flight!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Offline might help to upload log and come back here and post your link.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-1-2 16:33 might help to upload log and come back here and post your link.

Hi , I tried that link last night and tried again just now and I get protection and disconnection errors....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 323192 ft

it is very important while you are on the latest versions of the firmware especially the app , you do not get connected to the internet and you must reject the GPS query which pops up in the mobile app .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 323192 ft

please mention the versions of your firmware and app and the mobile .  Also where is the flight log link to be used on the phantom logviewer ?
The slow descend of the SPARK is a flaw in the software. You must switch the SPORTS mode and Normal mode again and then force land the AC. It will work 100%.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Neroangelo Posted at 2018-1-2 16:48
Hi , I tried that link last night and tried again just now and I get protection and disconnection errors....

That’s strange link works for most on forum here.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

S.J Posted at 2018-1-2 17:04
please mention the versions of your firmware and app and the mobile .  Also where is the flight log link to be used on the phantom logviewer ?
The slow descend of the SPARK is a flaw in the software. You must switch the SPORTS mode and Normal mode again and then force land the AC. It will work 100%.

I had problems with drifting with 0.900 (even after callibration) so I reverted back to 0.800 which had been stable. DJI knows there may be problems with new firmware or they wouldn't let you revert back.App was 4.1.18 but I think my tablet may have done an auto update to 4.1.22 . I had been in Sports Mode and to Normal mode before I tried to descend. A flaw in the Spark software or the APP?

That link doesn't work for me, I get a disconnected error.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-1-2 17:17
That’s strange link works for most on forum here.

The link works, when I go to upload i get a disconnected error. I don't want to ipload the DAT file.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-1-2 17:17
That’s strange link works for most on forum here.

I still can't get that upload link to work so I have uploaded a snapshot of what I think is the log that I converted to CSV (its 2am here and I'm tired!). if I am reading this right, when the battery got too low, the Spark switched into Sports mode and shot off? There is no stick input shown on the flight records when it shot off.

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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

Neroangelo Posted at 2018-1-2 17:57
I still can't get that upload link to work so I have uploaded a snapshot of what I think is the log that I converted to CSV (its 2am here and I'm tired!). if I am reading this right, when the battery got too low, the Spark switched into Sports mode and shot off? There is no stick input shown on the flight records when it shot off.


F is Sattelites, K is relatuve height...which is incorrect according to the flight records...

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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

Neroangelo Posted at 2018-1-2 18:04
F is Sattelites, K is relatuve height...which is incorrect according to the flight records...

BL is RC:Aileron, BM is RC:elevator,BN is RC:Rudder, BO is the throttle (-1000) ...I'm not sure if that is throttle down or back. I am assuming it is descending and not flying back as the drone shot off forwards.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 323192 ft

Neroangelo Posted at 2018-1-2 17:22
I had problems with drifting with 0.900 (even after callibration) so I reverted back to 0.800 which had been stable. DJI knows there may be problems with new firmware or they wouldn't let you revert back.App was 4.1.18 but I think my tablet may have done an auto update to 4.1.22 . I had been in Sports Mode and to Normal mode before I tried to descend. A flaw in the Spark software or the APP?

That link doesn't work for me, I get a disconnected error.

Did you format the SD card after reverting back to 0.8000.   There is no problem with 0.900 on my flights.  Also like I explained earlier, the app 4.1.18 is a problem and then linking to the internet is  the second problem.
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

fansea82e29a Posted at 2018-1-2 15:53
Thinking about it I have had a few indoor flights without disconnecting but not an outdoor flight!

Hi, sir. Sorry for the unexpected experience. What is your case number or ticket number? I can track it for you. Did you provide the flight records to our support? Please keep us updated, thanks for your support.
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Neroangelo Posted at 2018-1-2 17:22
I had problems with drifting with 0.900 (even after callibration) so I reverted back to 0.800 which had been stable. DJI knows there may be problems with new firmware or they wouldn't let you revert back.App was 4.1.18 but I think my tablet may have done an auto update to 4.1.22 . I had been in Sports Mode and to Normal mode before I tried to descend. A flaw in the Spark software or the APP?

That link doesn't work for me, I get a disconnected error.

Hi, sir. Please ensure that there is no interference around your spark. I would recommend you calibreat IMU and compass before flight. Did you try to change an environment and fly your spark again? Please keep us updated.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

S.J Posted at 2018-1-2 19:22
Did you format the SD card after reverting back to 0.8000.   There is no problem with 0.900 on my flights.  Also like I explained earlier, the app 4.1.18 is a problem and then linking to the internet is  the second problem.

Hi, I never had a problem before with fact , i found it the most stable! I don't understand what formatting the SD card has to do with it? As far as I can gather the SD card is simply for video/photograph storage. I didn't use the SD card to revert back, I used DJI Assist. I don't understand what you mean about internet connection? I wasn't using an OTG cable.
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-3 01:34
Hi, sir. Please ensure that there is no interference around your spark. I would recommend you calibreat IMU and compass before flight. Did you try to change an environment and fly your spark again? Please keep us updated.

Hi, I had callibrated both compass and IMU after both updating and reverting back. Never got any compass or IMU warnings. Checked interference in the area before and it was very very low (bottom part of green). I am going to see if I can get a refund of replacement from the point of sale. If I get a refund I'll buy a  Mavic. Looking at the Mavic Forum there doesn't seem to be as many problems as the Spark.

I am not going to fly the Spark until I have something sorted out as the glass cover for the sensors is gone after the crash.
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Bing Err
Flight distance : 9249964 ft
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United States

sSkyPilot Posted at 2018-1-2 15:37
Dang... Thanks for your detailed review. I've got a new one... Flown a few minutes indoors. and it discounted then. But sounds like like got the wrong product now.

You have to remember that a lot of people that come to this forum do so because they have problems. Seeing that you previously flew the Phantom 3 (like me) you probably will do just fine with the Spark.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 323192 ft

Bing Err Posted at 2018-1-3 02:12
You have to remember that a lot of people that come to this forum do so because they have problems. Seeing that you previously flew the Phantom 3 (like me) you probably will do just fine with the Spark.

I disagree becos phantom 3 is a different AC than SPARK.  SPARK is very sensitive as it has bare minimal components to fly
A pilot who has piloted SPARK can fly any other drone from DJI . The preflight check list for the SPARK is more than any other drone .
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

S.J Posted at 2018-1-3 03:27
I disagree becos phantom 3 is a different AC than SPARK.  SPARK is very sensitive as it has bare minimal components to fly
A pilot who has piloted SPARK can fly any other drone from DJI . The preflight check list for the SPARK is more than any other drone .

I agree...with you SJ
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Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-3 01:26
Hi, sir. Sorry for the unexpected experience. What is your case number or ticket number? I can track it for you. Did you provide the flight records to our support? Please keep us updated, thanks for your support.

With sadness...I have returned the Spark to the original vender for a refund. I am sad about it as I think it is/could be an amazing piece of technology without the bugs. It reminds me of Windows Blue Screen Of Death, crashing all the time.

How do I get a refund for the DJI Care?
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Neroangelo Posted at 2018-1-3 02:03
Hi, I had callibrated both compass and IMU after both updating and reverting back. Never got any compass or IMU warnings. Checked interference in the area before and it was very very low (bottom part of green). I am going to see if I can get a refund of replacement from the point of sale. If I get a refund I'll buy a  Mavic. Looking at the Mavic Forum there doesn't seem to be as many problems as the Spark.

I am not going to fly the Spark until I have something sorted out as the glass cover for the sensors is gone after the crash.

Hope the issue will be solved as soon as possible. If your DJI refresh is valid, you can replace the drone at additional charge instead of getting refund.
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

OK...thks. bingErr.. makes sense, I'll know more in 90 days....  laughable I know....  lol
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Flight distance : 49521 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-5 00:31
Hope the issue will be solved as soon as possible. If your DJI refresh is valid, you can replace the drone at additional charge instead of getting refund.

So you now acknowledge there is a problem!!! ... Then please replace my 'flyaway' spark that had issues due to the latest firmware,
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Hey, I was testing and lowering the battery to 50%. Near 50%, about 4 minutes. Lost  RC to AC control. I got it down to 2" from floor... I hit down stick and down d-pad. ..She hovered there 2 or 3 minutes. Wouldn't land. I did the close down.... (uneven stick.. lower inside corners) no response. It  did reconnect on it's own after another minute, and landed. It's almost a bad situation. Oh..  After all this I noticed my TV was on. It's a 12 by 20" rm.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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_zine Posted at 2018-1-5 15:43
So you now acknowledge there is a problem!!! ... Then please replace my 'flyaway' spark that had issues due to the latest firmware,

I don’t think she was talking to you, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
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Flight distance : 49521 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-1-5 16:04
I don’t think she was talking to you, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

i am aware of that
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

_zine Posted at 2018-1-5 15:43
So you now acknowledge there is a problem!!! ... Then please replace my 'flyaway' spark that had issues due to the latest firmware,

Sir, please note that you need to send back the old one in order to get a new one with DJI refresh.
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