Flight distance : 7441 ft
United Kingdom
Hi all.....Took my drone out New Years morning. Ground level wind was tested as zero with an anemometer. Had one warning of high winds at the first height level but not any warnings after that so kept the Spark in line of sight.After flying out a bit, the app started to go wonky showing telemetry from 0-height-0. Same with distance etc.Then at about 1000ft out the app crashed completely and wouldn't reboot. The nightmare! I started to return the Spark manualy by sight in Sport mode to get back as fast as I could.Unable to get a good grasp of the direction,height and distance without the app, when I had turned the Spark it was heading over 200 ft away from my home point . Switched back to GPS (P?)mode when it got closer. I can't remember if I managed to get the app to reboot, but the Spark started to land itself with 33% power for some unknown reason (from flight records).I tried to cancel the landing while frantically pressing the RTH button. The app rebooted, I tried to cancel landing again and intiate RTH which it wouldn't but as it was descending so slowly (0.2-0.7MPH) I managed to fly the Spark back to the Home Point.It was still landing but not fast enough. The battery was now very low . I had my thumb permenantly planted on the down lever hoping that if the battery died it would land on my grass.
Then, when the battery was at 0% , the Spark just flew off at speed to approx 100 feet away, the battery died and Spark crashed on the main road!! Luckily there were no cars! I thought my Spark would be smashed to bits. The battery is broken, one of the LED covers is off (which I managed to pop back on), all the props are damaged and the glass covering the bottom sensors are smashed .
My concerns are why the app (seems no matter which version with Android) is erratic and always crashes (with Android and now with IOS) and now seems completely unusable, why the telemetry was jumping from 0-height-0 (distance and speed were the same) so I couldn't get the right height or any telemetry information, why I couldn't cancel landing and RTH failed to work..even though RTH was bleeping on my controller( and shows up on the flight data). Why the descending was so slow(0.2-0.7MPH) that it seemed like the Spark thought it was lower than it was and with my finger on the lever to lower it still didn't look like it was descending at all! Why the Spark just flew off and crashed when the battery got to zero and why the button pressing and frantic app resetting is not shown on the flight data (unless I am missing something?).
I have emailed DJI support with the DAT file so will see what happens but it has knocked my confidence in my wee Spark and I'm thinking of returning it to the seller as faulty and not fit for purpose (even though I have DJI Care).In the just over a month I have had it I have had a LOT of App crashes and erratic behaviour(Android (Sheild K1) and IOS(Ipad Pro)), a LOT of disconnections even in open fields away from anything (unless sheep interupt the signal!)...a lot of disconnections when ascending...again...even in open fields....... but....this has been scariest experience! It feels like the final straw.
I feel my Wee Spark is unusable and is sitting in the original box while I decide what to do with him. Will miss Wee Sparky but he is no good to me if I fear there are going to be problems everytime I fly him.... 