Sparky David
Flight distance : 41161 ft
United Kingdom
This is a true story about how I found out my name was Dronie Dave.
1. After my bike club went to the Lake District I ended up in hospital getting a partial knee replacement. I had completed the video before the Op and posted it on my clubs website.
2. Two days after surgery the physio came to see me and brought me crutches.
3. After showing me how to use them, she said "I think I know you, do you have a motorbike?" I said "Yes".
4. I asked her if she had a motorbike, she said "No, her husband had one, a blue one."
5. She said, "Did you go with the Rats to the Lake District?". I said "Yes".
6. She said "Are you Dronie Dave?"
7. I said "I suppose so."
Small world |