Flight distance : 360984 ft
Hello all, just got my Spark - 2nd hand and took it out for a test fly this morning.
Everything seem fine, was light wind, very sunny, empty park.
Anyway was flying around and I noticed that the VPS icon was red with a (!) icon, didnt really worry me too much and to be honest I didnt take THAT much notice - it may have come good when I gained some height.
Anyway had about 40% battery left and thought id take it up to 120 meters for some photos - working great, until I tried to decend.
While holding down on the controller it seem to be very slow to decend, I checked the vertical speed and it looked like it was working - cool ...
Then I would see the VPS altitude pop up and showing 2 meters... then dissapearing ... didnt think too much of it until I notice the vertical speed going to zero every time the VPS data would show 2-15 meters randomly.
At this stage the low battery alarm started going and auto land was initiated - at about 60meters (I since have read that I could have held the throttle stick up and it would have "taken off" again).
I flipped it to sports mode (shoulda gone atti) and tried to decend / move the quad closer to me - slowly it came down...
At about 20meters from the ground it started to decend very fast, I pushed up on the throttle and it come down to a nice landing.
Straight away at the park I uninstalled DJI go and reinstalled - 2nd battery had the same issue.
- Took the Spark home and refreshed the firmware, tested it on the table (probably not the most thourough test) and it didnt seem to make any difference.
- Downgraded the firmware, updated DJI Go app.
- Recallibrated the IMU.
- Downloaded the logs and imported them to check the data - you can see in the VPS column that it would show N/A most the time then flash up 2m - 15m - this is when the quad would stop decending and hover whilst at altitude. IMU altitude was always correct but VPS showing irradic values.
- Replayed the flight log in the DJIgo app and the altitude showing always the correct value but I can see that the vertical speed it going to zero many times - showing that it was pausing during decent due to faulty VPS data.
Ive included a screenshots of the log I uploaded so you can see what im seeing.
If I disable all Visual Nav Settings will this problem go away ? 
I really dont want to send it back ....
Using OTG cable, cant really think of anything else to try - yes there are no stickers on the downward sensors ;) I tripple checked lol...
Cheers ! 