Recommended way to export video from SD card to PC
4830 7 2015-4-21
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Flight distance : 14633 ft
United States

Hello Fellow Pilots, I ahve a qustion that may be simple to others but I just cannot wrap my brain around it and this keeps happening to me. After I fly my Phantom 2 Vision+ and all, then I get home and take the SD card out and most of the time, I cannot get anything but WIndows Live Media player to open it, it can be a rather long time for the video to progress, depending on how long I've recorded the flight. DO you have any suggestions on a simple method or software to use to get these videos off my SD card, and upload to youtube or save.  I'm not to hands on with foles and all that other stuff, but any help would be appreciated. Basically what would you all recommend for a video downloader or converter that is simple so I can upload or edit to a social network if I wanted.....  I have a ton of my videos, but I also have a zillion programs to open them and now I forgot what is what....PLEASE HELP....Thanks for all you do.
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Flight distance : 316545 ft
United Kingdom

You can connect your Phantom directly to your pc, or take out the sd card and put into an adapter that fits to one of your USB ports. Open Windows explorer, find the SD card, click on it which will open it and drag the files within to a folder in explorer. Open the files from there which will open faster (depending on how fast your PC is)
Down load DivX player (free) or VLC Media Player (free) both of which will open and play your files.

Hope that helps.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States


The first thing I do is put the SD card in my computer and copy the contents to a folder on my computer hard drive. It will work very slowly if you try to work directly from the SD card. I then just use Windows Live Moviemaker (free). It's not a very robust editor but I think it works well, it's relatively easy to use and its free. The video editing is going to be the most time consuming part. The newer and faster the computer, processor and memory, the better. I've also been careful to use the 720p settings on my Phantom camera. Seems to be recommended as the best setting on this board. The file sizes will be slightly smaller than the 1080p setting. The upload to YouTube is really dependent on your upload speed and the quality of the video. My "upload" speed is only about 1mbs which means it can take hours for me to upload a good, long, edited clip with music. I usually try to do my uploading before I go to bed when nobody is using the internet. The less other people are using it the better. I'm in no way an expert, just thought I'd share. If you want links to some of my videos for examples just let me know. Hope it helps.

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Flight distance : 14633 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-4-22 01:37

The first thing I do is put the SD card in my computer and copy the contents to a folder on  ...

Hey Thanks Jerry, I appreciate the reply and I will try your suggestion after I go on a mission tonight. Also I will subscribe to your Youtube channel. I see you reply to a lot of posts to everyone, and thank you for being so helpful and considerate. I do like the Windows live movie maker, it has a lot of good features and pretty user friendly, I think I need to learn to be more Thanks again and happy flyer my friend...
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Flight distance : 14633 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-4-22 01:37

The first thing I do is put the SD card in my computer and copy the contents to a folder on  ...

Oh yes, I forgot please send me the link to check out your vids so I can subscribe as well.... Thanks man
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States

buzzcbr@gmail.c Posted at 2015-4-22 01:35
You can connect your Phantom directly to your pc, or take out the sd card and put into an adapte ...

I would not recommend you connecting direct and downloading it.  The download is slow and the bird has to be powered up and it begins to heat up while it download.  If you have a lot you will actually feel the heat over the GPS.  It is better to purchase a USB card reader (preferably a USB3) and connect it to your PC.  Quicker and painless.
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Flight distance : 14633 ft
United States

buzzcbr@gmail.c Posted at 2015-4-22 01:35
You can connect your Phantom directly to your pc, or take out the sd card and put into an adapte ...

Thankyou, I will check out the two you mentioned and definitely drag the files from card to PC as you and Jerry suggested. Thanks for your time and courtesy.... Solarflarin
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

SolarFlarin Posted at 2015-4-22 01:52
Hey Thanks Jerry, I appreciate the reply and I will try your suggestion after I go on a mission to ...


You're very welcome! I'm just doing for you what so many others on this board have done for me. I'm sure I'll get in a fix someday and you'll be able to help me. Like you, I'm fairly new to this stuff. I really haven't spent much time learning about YouTube channels so I don't understand the subscribing stuff very well. I'll just give you the link to another thread that has a few of my videos in it (They're on the first post of the thread):

There are some real professional looking videos on this site. There is one in particular that comes to mind. To me, it is truly spectacular. It was done by Grangerfx. It was the best I've seen and gives me some hope and inspiration. Here's the link:

There are many, many more just keep poking around here a bit and you'll find them. I hope to see some of yours soon! Have fun!

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